Instead of profiling potential terrorists, we should profile people who clearly are NOT terrorists. Give these groups of people the "pilot pass," too.
Examples of groups profiled OUT of enhanced screening are:
"You give these people a clearance where they don't have to go through the process at all. So now you have to deal with the population that's left -- occasional flyers, people originating from foreign countries..."
So there is a profiling system that doesn't profile the terrorist, leaving us open to charges of racism; it profiles people who are NOT terrorists (a group not likely to complain about it), and leaves the rest for enhanced screening.
The non-racist’s fear of being called racist is what terrorists and troublemakers use as a weapon to defeat him.
I say stop worrying about being called racist and just get the job done.
That way we won’t have to think up convoluted schemes just to be politically correct. Political correctness is an obstacle, not a solution.
LOL! Either way you are profiled, as a not-terrorist, and as a potential terrorist by not being a not-terrorist.
However, whatever way it is sold to the public, we need to profile, Profile, PROFILE!
Don’t forget us military that have been fighting the war on terrorism for years now...