Home defense; urban house; hopefully I’ll only have to use it on a target range; skills were pretty good 20 years ago, but it’s been a while.
You worried about your house being overrun by radical Jehovah's Witnesses? "Taking down" your own meth lab?
You might as well go duck hunting with a howitzer.
No, not an M-4, or not a rifle at all. The overcarry rules out any rifle in such a situation.
You shoot at a perp in such a situation, bullet may exit house and travel 200-800 meters.
Get a short (legal) barrel shotgun. Do not get the vaulted double OO buckshot, but rather number 2 or 4 buckshot or BBs.
They are incredibly deadly at typical in the house, in the yard, street out front ranges, but then dissipate their energy.
Get a flashlight with a remote switch that attaches to the barrel.
Learn your lines (where can you shoot in your house that does not endanger people in the next room, etc.)
Where are the choke points and channels? For example, in my bedroom, I have a place I can go where all three entrances to the room are then within a 90 degree arc, and I am behind cover.
Lots to think about.