Too bad there’s nothing that can be done to those busy-body haters that caused the stupid investigation just for the harrassment factor and negative publicity.
Yeah of course they did it to harass Bristol..actually they don’t care about Bristol, its Sarah they are after, but they are going through Bristol to get to Sarah. Bristol went to McDonalds a few weeks ago and they made a fuss out of that..Michelle Obama must have had a fit..HOW DARE SHE EAT AT MCDONALDS, THAT PLACE IS FULL OF TRANS FAT..yeah turns out she just had a salad, LOL.
I won’t hold my breath for that. The Dems are pulling out every infantile trick right now... calling Meg a whore, Christine a witch... Angle an idiot... Fiorina a money-gruber.... not to mention the daily diatribe against all who are not in complete adulation over Obama as stupid stupid stupid... as compared to the “ivy league” geniuses who continue to put this country into the dumper.