The entire argument that there was any conflict between the Aryans who settled India, and the natives who were pushed into the fringes of the Indian landmass, is controversial.
No record of a violent demise of the Indus Valley Civilisation exists. Not to mention, current evidence points to ecological factors for the destruction of that highly-developed civilisation. No mention of war with natives have been recorded in Hindu scriptures. Most wars detailed are of those between Aryan kingdoms.
>Indus Valley Civilisation
One of the Great Historical Sadnesses attributable to “modern” Pakistan is the virtual lack of interest in further significant research into the subterranean layered ruins below the current sites of Harappa, MohenjoDaro and others.
PreIslamic don’t count, don’tcha know?
They used to showcase Buddhist shrines in the NW to European tourists, but I believe that is kaput now due to jihad.