I’m w/you. I’m an R/C Pilot (AMA# 791825) and also know that this is at LEAST a 40% YAK 54, looks like a Carden aircraft, probably has at least a Desert Aircraft DA-50 engine in it. Looks like the pilot has a big ticket JR or Futaba radio as well.
Okay, the poster says it’s a “Real” plane, as someone who has 3D flyers in his Club (WWFC AMA# 449) and has Dean Pappas, who writes articles for Model Aviation magazine, this guy is a joke.
Prove it Buster.........
Just read through everything, Mea Culpa excepted, and I Apologize as well. R/C pilots get a bad rap sometimes and it doesn’t help us keep flying sites. Maybe you should take lessons? It’s a real relaxing hobby:-)