It's easy to discredit Forbes based on the title alone.
Have you ever heard the old saying, "Figures don't lie, but liars figure."?
Never make the mistake of assuming libtards don't think. They think constantly. At any given time, the only question is whether they think wrongly or evilly or both at once.
With Obama, we have elected our first anti-American president. D'Souza has identified his deep-seated grievance against the United States, has figured out where he's coming from. That's why the White House is so annoyed they're worried the country is catching on.
They should be. People are waking up. They are using a false class warfare debate in the discussion of letting the Bush tax cuts expire. In essence any more tax money taken from us will be sent to other countries and not invested here.
Every time Hillary travels she promises more of our wealth to other countries.