If I were the publisher, I would sell all the 1st edition to the guv’ment. For the 2d edition, I would redact the offending section, which is not a national security issue, its a pure political issue demonstrating that the 9/11 Commission was bought and paid for by the Democrats and the Left.
Then I would sell the 2d Edition, shrink wrapped with a special “supplement” that provides a separately sourced redacted portion with an explanation of why DIA objected to the Army’s release of the original manuscript. It would sell like hot cakes and completely expose the partisan nonsense behind all of this.
Don’t hitch your wagon to this guy yet before you see the people he has associated with in the past (John Loftus and Scott Ritter).
This from Amazon:
Important Message for Customers
On Friday, August 13, 2010, just as St. Martins Press was readying its initial shipment of Operation Dark Heart, the Department of Defense expressed concern that its publication could cause damage to U.S. national security. The publication of the initial edition was canceled. However, after consulting with the author, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, St. Martin’s Press agreed to incorporate some of the governments changes, which includes redacting classified text, into a revised edition, which is releasing on September 24.