Wow. You lucked out, or at that time they didn’t care. I got rejected initially for being underweight. I ate lasagna for a week and the guy was generous and gave me a pound to let me in. And my friend got rejected for being slightly hard of hearing.
I did have enough medical trouble where they had to remove me from working in "The Hole" or boiler rooms. They put me in the job I had wanted to start with which was AC&R or Air Conditioning and Refrigeration repair. I was able to do all other task assigned me including fire fighting as a nozzle-man. I did my 4 and got out because as a Machinist Mate my nest ship may have tried to put me back in the Hole again. In 1984 I joined a Howitzer Battery in the NG's as a ammo hauler. On the first night on the range I was asleep in the back of the truck and they called a fire mission. My truck was close to the guns. First round fired and more ear damage. I'm now over 50% deaf.
I went on disability in 1994 when my sensory processing system got to the point I could no longer safely work. If I had stayed in the Navy I would have not medically made it to 20 years likely not even 10.