Real men roll with Sinclair. Just sayin’.
Dude, my Commodore 64 is still the machine! /s
Professional help is available.
I miss my Osborne. I had it all in 26 lbs. 64k RAM, 2-90k 5.25” floppies and a 5 inch CRT. CPM for the win!! LOL. And I got it all, with OS, WordStar, SuperCalc II, and DB2 for under $2000.
Built the RS-232 interface and tied it to my Royal electronic typewriter that had a whopping 16 character buffer.
That, my friends was the first computer to be placed on a squadron level desk in the entire USAF — and I did it all out of my own pocket. It was a magical time.
Programmed in assembly using "poke."
Dude. I still have my working Timex Sinclair 1000!!!
Its Da Bomb!!