I seem to remember the word “lawful” being in that oath. As in obeying lawful orders.
If the military or the law enforcement community launch an assault against the civilian population, (not the traffic stop tasering of old women that seems to be the rage now a days), then the oath that I took on August 10, 1966 which has not been renounced in any form or fashion, allows me to use whatever means necessary to protect the Constitution. I sincerely hope the grievances that we have against the government will be resolved peacefully, and to a happy conclusion, but now is the time to firmly rehearse in your mind just what actions you will take if and when the worst case comes on us.
It's not there, but it is understood. I once briefed that very subject, as the most junior officer in my Air Guard E&I squadron.
I think it’s still unsettled as to whether any orders are now lawful now. At least it’s not clear to me.