Me too. To find a complete undamaged point that's been eroded out in a rocky stream bed is highly unlikely. That point is in pristine condition with sharp edges where flakes were removed. The normal tumbling action of being washed in a stream would round those edges and probably break the thinnest parts.
I don’t believe it’s a hoax. We hunt for arrowheads out here and have found a spring where we’ve found both broken and complete obsidian arrowheads. We’ve found one jasper with sinew still attached. A very amatuer guess is that they cover from about 7000 before present to 200 years before present time. The rock used is very hard and as noted, covered and uncovered by time, wind and rain.
There aren`t any thin parts in that spear head and flint is a strong and durable rock that probably wouldn’t chip. Also its a thick piece so as soon as it eroded from the bank it sunk to the bottom and staid put. So this is a real spear head.
“To find a complete undamaged point that’s been eroded out in a rocky stream bed is highly unlikely.”
My girlfriend’s family has been finding complete arrowheads in the creeks around their farm for over 50 years. I was skeptical about it until I went with them one day when a nice one and a bunch of broken pieces were found.