So tell me, curiosity, which one of the "genuine" officially issued birth certificates shown on this very thread is wrong?
Why, exactly, are you rejecting the other one?
Maybe, just maybe, both of them are fake, just like neither of the guys on Speaker's Corner really is Jesus?
Explain to my why one really is real, pretty please?
I suspect that "Dr." Polarik, or some other birther, photoshopped one embedded at the head of the thread.
I have never seen it before. To my knowledge no one assiciated either with Obama or the state of Hawaii released it. It also has lots of erroneous information on it, such as indicating "Hawaii" as the island of birthm when we know it was Oahu.
On the other hand, I have no reason to doubt the one origianlly released by the Obama campaign is legit. It has no obvious errors, and the information contained therein is has been corroborated by other evidnece.