At this point, the only reason would be to know we're about to die.
We no longer have the capability to intercept them, and never had the ability to deflect them.
Even if we could deflect a killer asteroid, the current administration would regard it as a crisis to good to go to waste.
“Even if we could deflect a killer asteroid, the current administration would regard it as a crisis to good to go to waste.”
No doubt they have contingency plans to ram through Cap and Tax, immigration reform, VAT and all other goodies on the Progressive Top Ten list the instant they confirm that a planet-destroying asteriod is 2 weeks from collision with us. They would kick themselves if they let such a crisis pass without leaving BHO with a “historic” legacy. No doubt they anticipate that future time travelers would be able to roll back the tape and discover just what a great, underappreciated president he was...