Did you even read my comment? Her only disability from the article was that she had to pop back into the store and it was raining and grabbed a handicap spot...so I made a sarcastic comment (as I tend to do) that she must have a handicap hair-do...I wasn't bashing people with disabilities. I was bashing this twit that wasn't disabled taking a handicap space because it was raining...sorry if I pushed the PC envelope too far, jeepers....
Yeah you pushed a button- evidently not intentionally. But it really hit me wrong, Too many people fail to realize not all physical disabilities are obvious. My problems come primarilly from finding a herd of 250 cattle in the middle of the road in the middle of the night years ago. That was much more of a life changing event than the brain tumor years later.
At any rate- I will work on burying buttons so they are harder to push.