Thank you for your service as well. :) I hope your recovery goes smoothly!
My hubby is doing much better now than he was at our last duty station. The last place’s answer to him was drugs, lots of drugs. We moved here (DC area) 18 months ago, and the first order from the new Drs was getting off all the drugs and getting him into a pain clinic. World of difference, let me tell you...he went from depressed and detached (I had been told it was a result of the TBI, but it must have been the drugs) to being pretty darn active compared to before (I once got him to walk the entirety of the Smithsonian Air and Space was a good day and a weekend, so he had a day to recover...and we walked very slowly, but we did it!).
I know that it breaks his heart to know that he can’t run anymore (he was a PT running machine before), but he’s come so far from that day when they released him from Landstuhl, in a wheelchair and bandages. :)
I thank God everyday for people such as your husband that helps keep this the greatest country in the history of earth...No matter what some say, our country is second to none....Because of the people...people such as you and your hubby....