I agree, let the pontificators pontificate and hopefully motivate the Lakers. A motivated Ron Artest and Kobe Bryant is a nightmare. Even though I dislike Kobe, I don’t root against him. If he wasn’t a Laker, I would though. Rondo is outstanding. I wonder if Artest could guard him every now and again and rattle him? I am a diehard Dodgers fan, but would almost buy a Dbacks hat, just to show support to the state. I might have to track down some sort of Arizona gear and no, not the jeans. ;)
I’m an Angels fan, been one since 2002 when the won the championship(My cousin used to work for the organization, but AFTER they won the title, ever since they haven’t won squat :( ) Can’t stand Ray Allan, can’t stand KG, and I definitely cannot stand Paul Pierce and his wheelchair faking stuff that he did in 2008, that is what we call him on the Laker boards, wheelchair. So Rondo is the only guy I respect on the team, he basically IS the team, the only reason they are kicking Orlando’s behinds is because of him. I think Ron Ron can guard Rondo..but we would need the crazy Ron to guard him, the crazy Ron going into the stands kinda Ron instead of the nice Ron, yeah he could do it. That is why we got him and got rid of Trevor, for his defensive ability so I think he could do it. It’s Pau and Lamar that have been playing great right now, or maybe its pure luck, according to Amare LOL.