The thought of exploring just our own galaxy is mind boggling. Yet our own galaxy is around 100K light-years in diameter housing 200 billion or more only a grain of sand on the beach compared to the universe as a whole.
*** The thought of exploring just our own galaxy is mind boggling. Yet our own galaxy is around 100K light-years in diameter housing 200 billion or more only a grain of sand on the beach compared to the universe as a whole. ***
As Carl Sagan said in one episode of Cosmos...
There are more stars in our universe than all the grains of sand on every beach on our world.Now the mental image of that number was truly mind boggling when I first heard it.
So lately - after seeing re-runs on the Science Channel - when I here about our money being spent with 'Billions here' and 'Trillions there' I mentally put it into Astronomical terms, like distances.
And then I conclude -- We're really screwed.