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To: AdmSmith; bvw; callisto; ckilmer; dandelion; ganeshpuri89; gobucks; KevinDavis; Las Vegas Dave; ...
Thanks Niuhuru, this should be a fun topic for all four lists.

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50 posted on 05/05/2010 2:55:52 PM PDT by SunkenCiv ("Fools learn from experience. I prefer to learn from the experience of others." -- Otto von Bismarck)
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To: SunkenCiv

I don’t really wanna know the science behind discoverin’ my sister is a tranny (post #2), but maybe I already know—#1.

1. I have a wee-wee!!!!!
2. Scratch and sniff
3. Flights of fancy WILL get you (re)elected.
4. Sliced bread
5. Everything you put ketchup on tastes like ketchup.
6. Toilet paper
7. I’d rather be a little off than a little moron.
8. The best dog in the world: WELL DONE
9. The Love Boat
10. Money grows on trees

135 posted on 05/05/2010 6:26:11 PM PDT by bigheadfred (If I've said it once, I've said it a million times...)
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The discovery of > "THE END OF THE WORLD"as we now know it. It’s just history repeating it’s self…. AGAIN. We ARE in the EXACT SAME location as the end-Permian extinction…. AGAIN. We ARE in the EXACT SAME spiral arm as the end-Permian extinction….. AGAIN We are crossing the EXACT SAME thin magnetic disc of the Galactic Plane equator .....AGAIN We ARE experiencing the EXACT SAME increase in Volcanic activity as the end-Permian extinction…. AGAIN We ARE experiencing the EXACT SAME increase in Co2 as the end-Permian extinction ....AGAIN We ARE experiencing the EXACT SAME increase in OCEAN temperature just before the end-Permian extinction ...AGAIN BUT,IF YOU >>>MAKE THE TIME<<< TO READ AND EXPLORE ALL MY LINKS YOU >>>WILL<<< SEE THERE IS LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL...IF YOU ACCEPT ENKI/JESUS AND BE A GOOD CHRISTAIN DURING THE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION....SEE LINK BELOW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co2 RISE IS FROM INCREASED SUB-MARINE VOLCANIC- EARTHQUAKE ACTIVITY JUST AS IAN PLIMER HAS STATED IN “HEAVEN AND EARTH” YOU DO NOT NEED ANY MORE EVIDENCE FOR PROOF OF INCREASED SEISMIC,SUB-MARINE VOLCANIC OR EARTHQUAKE ACTIVITY THAN THE OCEANS WARMING AND AN INCREASE OF CO2. Long term Seismic activity trend Monthly number of volcanic earthquakes at Nyamuragira, 1960-92 JUST AS IT HAS BEEN THE REASON FORTHE RISE BEFORE EVERY>> ““DEEP ICE AGE”“<< IN THE PAST. Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. > OUR 5% to 10% range is less than the variation range of natural sorces. SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES Global freshwater not showing an upward trend,PROVES it is not greenhouse related. Just look at the Ice core records there HAS ALWAYS been a catastrophic disaster after Co2 reaches around 400ppm. In the last 12 catastrophic disasters,there has been a correlation of; A SEISEMIC Co2 rise=THIS TIME,YES A spiral arm encounter,= THIS TIME,YES A Galactic Equator encounter,= THIS TIME,YES A magnetic reversal,= THIS TIME ““IS IMMINANT”“,SO YES A deep ice age after,= TIME FRAME EVIDENCE AGREES,!! SO YES An extinction event, = TIME FRAME EVIDENCE AGREES,!! SO YES An encounter with a Photon Band =THIS TIME YES A Harmonic convergence = THIS TIME YES At the EXACT same position in space where there has two major extinction events, Cambrian and Permian Now join to that fact, this interglacial warm period is due to end circa 2012 and we just happen to be crossing the thin magnetic disc of the Galactic Plane circa 2012,plus a ““magnetic reversal imminant”” circa 2012 says National Geographic, The Oceans warming IS the source of the carbon dioxide rise. The SORCE of the Oceans warming IS the INCREASED OUTPUT from 3 MILLION + VOLCANOES,BLACK SMOKERS,A HUGE INCREASED AREA OF HOT ROCK SURFACE AND GIGANTIC SUPER-HEATED HYDROTHERMAL VENTS OF BOILING WATER,JUST AS IAN PLIMER HAS STATED !!. JUST THE SAME AS IT HAS DONE IN EVERY PAST EPISODE JUST BEFORE ENTRY TO A >> ““DEEP ICE AGE”“<< ——————————————————- Is increasing atmospheric co2 man made or natural? by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.…or-natural/ “” The rate of human emissions is very small in magnitude compared to the average rate of CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and the surface (land + ocean): somewhere in the 5% to 10% range.”” ““A decrease in the relative amount of C13 in the atmosphere is also consistent with other biological sources. And since most of the cycling of CO2 between the ocean, land, and atmosphere is due to biological processes, this alone does not make a decreasing C13/C12 ratio a unique marker of an anthropogenic source.”” Cosmic Rays Hit Space Age High Earth’s magnetic field strength has declined by two-thirds over the past 2,000 years, and the rate of decline is increasing.“28 Sep 09 - “This is the precursor to everything you have been writing about,” says reader Dan Welch. According to sensors on NASA’s ACE spacecraft, galactic cosmic rays have just hit a Space Age high ——- High Energy Particles-Cosmic rays-electromagnetic waves,x-rays,radio waves. Two appreciable events were recorded in 1979 and 1998, but the latest one Dec,27-2004 outdid them by about a factor of 100. WHAT WILL BE THE NEXT ONE BE, by about a factor of 1000?? The above does not make good news. But think ONLY of the ““RAPTURE”’ Romans 10:(13), “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord [our half DNA father ENKI] shall be saved.” XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX But no need to worry,Enki/Jesus and his Shining Ones I’m sure will be sure to be our saviour. The Preliminary “Signs” of His Coming are: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Messages From Enki: Humanity’s Father;_2.html “The Truth About Enki” THE TURTH ABOUT ENKI by John F. Winston UFO’s IN ANCIENT RELIGIOUS PAINTINGS xxxxxxxxxx A MUST SEE Everything You Know Is Wrong A MUST SEE The STARCHILD PROJECT Data Site by Lloyd Pye A MUST SEE<<<<< Genius of the Few by Barbara Joy O’Brien Barbara Joy O’Brien - Co-author of ‘Genius of the Few’ A MUST SEE The Shining Ones from the Southern Lebanon site around the world, their advanced technology and their influence over the next 8,000 years. A MUST SEE The recently discovered Megiddo Church in Israel. A MUST SEE Sapiens Rising IT WOULD BE COMPLETELY ILLOGICAL TO NOT BELIEVE IF YOU HAVE WATCHED THOSE,AMEN!! The only sin which can prevent a person from being saved is UNBELIEF. Thus, unbelief is the only sin which a person needs to repent of to be saved. What a wonderful Savior John 8:22 23 But he continued, “You are from below;(Earth) I am from above,(Pleades). You are of this world; I am not of this world. People really need to remove their primitive stone age cargo cult translation INTERPRETATIONS by the early 15th century Churches gross distortion of the ancient literature for political authoritarian reasons. Translations, after all, are by definition interpretations and thus opinions of what the text says. No one should express any surprise at this, nor should anyone act as if any translation can prove more than what the translator thinks the original language said. No one should act as though opinions ever carry the same weight as facts, yet this is precisely what the religious among us STILL do. THE GREATEST MISTAKE AND IT’S IMPLICATIONS BEING MADE IN THE WORLD TODAY! Through-out history Big Governments the Media, Church, NASA and the religious world in general use the manipulation of written words which ARE used to control populations and sustain their employment, lifestyles, and to keep the “status quo”. The mistake is the complete cover-up OR ignorance of the Extraterrestrial UFO phenomenon and the Galactic Plane passage realities by Big Governments the Media, Church, NASA and the religious world in general. There ARE serious ramifications which ARE now sending mankind down the path of destruction, which WILL happen ALL BECAUSE it was hidden from us by Governments and some Churches we are NOT preparing for a Scientifically, Historically and Bible truth based evidence of the coming 2012 plus or minus 7 years? ROUGH passage through the Galactic Plane. “The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don’t do any thing about it.” –Albert Einstein- It’s ironic that the Ancient churches omitted the Extraterrestrial evidence in the earlier translated versions of Bible, because that evidence takes NOTHING away from the truth of the Bible OR the belief of a great creator because of the simple fact ,some entity had to be responsible for the Extraterrestrial being’s creation.Even the pope admits to the existance of Extra-terrestrials as the remains of one was found during renovations. Extraterrestrials excavated from under the Vatican REPORT. Skeletal remains resembling ‘space aliens’ have been excavated from the basement floor of a centuries old vault under the Vatican Library. Vatican prepares for extraterrestrial disclosure Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent ———————- King James Bible, Revelation, Chapter 22 wrote: 18: For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. A MUST WATCH Evidence of the presence of ETs on earth in the past comes from many parts of our planet. Human Origins - Intervention Theory by Lloyd Pye 1of 8 Plus Star Child This slide show courtesy of Jason Martell of Xfacts presents clear evidence that the “elohim” (or gods..or ETs…) have played a part in human culture over thousands of years. A RECENT ACCURATE TRANSLATION STRAIGHT FROM THE TABLETS ETC ““The Old Testament was translated into modern Hebrew - and then into Greek, forming the early chapters of Genesis. But this translation led to interpretations which were neither consistent within them-selves, nor consistent with either the earlier Sumerian, or Hebraic Enochian accounts of the same events. These inconsistencies have been glossed over and ignored.”“ —————- In the Beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. BADLY TRANSLATED FROM: In the Beginning, the Shining Ones looked (down) with pleasure upon the Highland pastures and the Lowlands ————— Now the earth was a formless void, there was darkness over the deep, and God’s spirit hovered over the waters. BADLY TRANSLATED FROM: But the Lowlands were an empty area - being uninhabited and unexplored, lying below the level of the Sea. And the aerial craft of the Shining Ones hovered over its waters. ————— God said, ‘Let there be light’, and there was light. BADLY TRANSLATED FROM: The Shining Ones said, ‘Let us enlighten ourselves’ [concerning this land] and they explored it. ————— God saw that the light was good, and God divided light from darkness. BADLY TRANSLATED FROM: The Shining Ones saw that their exploration was successful [suitable for settlement]; and the Shining Ones distinguished between the explored (land) and the unexplored. ————— God called the light ‘day’, and the darkness he called ¡night™. Evening came and morning came: the first day. BADLY TRANSLATED FROM: The Shining Ones named the explored land yom,and the unexplored land they named layah. There was evening and there was morning - a first day [stage]. ————— God said: ‘Let there be a vault in the waters to divide the waters in two’. And it was so. BADLY TRANSLATED FROM: The Shining Ones said, ‘Let there be [built] a wall in the middle of the [river] waters, and let it separate the [upper] waters from the lower waters.’ And it was done. —————- God made the vault, and it divided the waters above vault from the waters under the vault. BADLY TRANSLATED FROM: The Shining Ones constructed the dam wall to separate the waters that were spread out below the wall from waters that were above the wall. —————- God called the vault ‘heaven’ BADLY TRANSLATED FROM: The Shining Ones called the wall ha’shemim(the Heights). ————- There was evening and mor-ning - a second day [stage]. BADLY TRANSLATED FROM: Evening came and morning came: a second day. ———- God said, ‘Let the waters under heaven come together in a single mass, and let dry land appear’. And it was so. BADLY TRANSLATED FROM: The Shining Ones said, ‘Let the waters gathered by the wall form a reservoirso that dry land appears’ (below). ---------- UFO Quotes from Presidents, Astronauts, Senior Military and more The Disclosure Project - National Press Club Conference URGENT RELEASE - Special Presidential Briefing URGENT RELEASE - Special Presidential Briefing “The UFO appears more and more to be one of the grimmest realities ever confronted by the human race. —From Gods of Eden” It’s ironic because the Scientific evidence comes from NASA’s very own video footage and employees sworn statements to Congress, Past US Presidents, and a long list of other highly regarded and highly educated people. If there is a large loss of life through the “ROUGH passage through the Galactic Plane”, NASA could or will be held to account by deliberately hiding the truth from the very people who pay them. It’s ironic because how did ALL of the 2,500? Worldwide IPCC Scienists get it so wrong,although having studdied the Antarctic Ice Core Data AND the fact of a Galactic Alignment which they surely must have known about,Both put together it shows clear evidence for a trigger that starts an Ice Age and not further warming.I suspect the reason is the same as what happened with the Big Buisness, pharmisutical debarcle,Science is for sale to provide answers that suit political agendas,so called environmentalists and big buisness who jump on the Big Government funded bandwagon. “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds” Book by Charles Mackay Exploring the sometimes humorous, sometimes devastating impact of crowd behavior and trading trickery on the financial markets, that his book brilliantly combines. ________________________________________________________________ Regardless of belief it IS high time for Our Government, Local Administrations and Councils to start planning for appropriate COMMUNITY BASED UV Ray, Hail-Storm and Hurricane shelter system’s and infrastructure to avoid the likely consequences of “the coming rough passage through the Galactic Plane,etc” and the likelihood of a Deep Ice Age after. “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.” –Edmund Burke- _______________________________________________________________ Even IF the “Scientifically, Historically and Bible based evidence of the coming 2012 plus or minus ? years ROUGH passage through the Galactic Plane” turns out to be a minor OR even a non event, there undoubtedly WILL be varying size objects of Space origin colliding with Earth in the coming future, It’s NOT a matter of time, but WHEN. Considering that we ARE long overdue. Historically a “Tunguska” like event happens on average every 100 years. Historically Comet swarms strike Earth in a cyclic pattern. Historically we go into a Deep Ice Age and we ARE long overdue. This passage through the Galactic Plane may well be trigger to start a Deep Ice Age, therefore an underground shelter system WILL prove to be well worth while and money well spent in ANY event. As Lord Keynes famously said, “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?” ——————————- BEST LINKS Timeline to 2012 by Ivan “Evon” Stein ———————————- Edgar Mitchell UFO interview on Kerrang Radio 23 july 2008 ———————- 20 Top Secret Military witnesses that went to Washington DC to testify before congress UFOs Are Real ———————— Dan Willis received communications regarding a US Navy ship reporting a UFO emerging out of the ocean and going out into space. —————————— THE DISCLOSURE PROJECT ————————— Edgar Mitchell ——————————- Bentwater Air Base UFOs Cause For Alarm p.2 —————————- Daylight footage UFO’s over Europe ——————————— UFO’s in NASA video footage —————————— Biodiversity increases and extinctions attributed to solar system through spiral arms ————————- MASS EXTINCTIONS CORRELATION WITH GALACTIC PLANE ALIGNMENT ————————— Varying cosmic-ray flux may explain cycles of biodiversity Figure 3. The red curve shows changes in tropical sea-surface temperatures over the past 500 million years. In the blue curve, drawn upside down to match, cosmic-rays intensities have varied according to our position relative to the Galaxy’s spiral arms. After Shaviv and Veizer (click for larger image). ———————— “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident.”. POWER MAY BE LOST FOR LONG PERIODS SO PROTECT YOUR FAMILY- HAVE ONE YEAR OF LONG LIFE FOOD, HEATING GAS AND WATER SUPPLY IN YOUR HOUSE JUST IN CASE.EVEN IF YOU DONT NEED IT,GET A LITTLE MORE THAN YOU NEED AND YOU MAY BE ABLE TO HELP OTHERS. SEE MORE INFORMATION HERE:
180 posted on 05/06/2010 6:55:09 AM PDT by chugg ("All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to MAKE THE TIME to discov)
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