If it don't start with 4, don't go to war! The 40 is a downloaded version of a 10mm, originally designed for the feds to give about the same muzzle energy and velocity they had in their previous sidearms. Personally I'd take a 40 or 45 over the 9 or 10.
With the information I’ve gathered, I’m leaning toward the HK 45 or HK USP 45 (still haven’t decided whether the upgrades on the HK45 are worth it). I want to go test fire some before make a decision (because an $800-$1000 investment is quite a bit for a guess) ... want to try out the Sig Sauer P229 and Glock 19 as well, and maybe a Springfield. Those seem to be the big non-revolver suggestions.
That's why I selected a Glock mod 20 with 5 15 round magazines for mmy 'goin' to war' pistol. 2 mags are filled with 180 grain FMJ, the other three are full of some of my rare stash of Black Talon ammo.
It's big, heavy and shoots like a dream for me, a nightmare for those on the 'service' end.