Now our Angus was delicious. Grain fed and no artificial junk added to that heifer...more to my keep an eye on Harley, I worry about that guy and his neighbors...
They cook them on an open pit like we cook a pig in
the South,,,
They cook a pig in the ground Luau style,,(greazzy mess),,
Next time I cooked the piggy!,,,;0)
As for the thug,,,
We mowed most of the yard this afternoon,,,
Thug and one of his homies saw me mowing the front with the
.44 on my hip,,,
The pits were goin’ nuts like they always do,,,
Two throwing themselves against the fence,,,
Bout that time HarleyMama came out the back door with
Harley on his long leash and my 1911 on her hip,,,
Thugs got sorta bug-eyed at that point and homey got in
his Town Car and left...;0)...