Okay. I get it.
I’m guessing you’re saying that this isn’t really music?
My definition of music is a combination of various tones to make some type of melody.
I’m not saying it’s good music. Or great music.
I just thought it was interesting.
BTW...I got my degree in Applied Music, concentration in voice and sang opera professionally for a few years.
Only point is that although it may not be Verdi...it’s still music and the audience knew where to go collectively, without preparation.
Actually, I didn't even listen to it. Don't need to
My definition of music is a combination of various tones to make some type of melody.
By that definition, anything can be music, regardless if it is aesthetically pleasing or not. On the other hand, If you're of the mathematical persuasion, and seek to define music in those terms, then I could claim that pi is music, even without any apparent patterns.
That said, and to make things simple, some people think that Yoko Ono is music, or the Muslim Shiite tongue yell is music. I would disagree however.
I think music can touch the soul, and everybody is unique.
However, there are clearly proven rythmic sounds that SELL.
I’ve found myself seeking a certain multi-layered Orchestral rock sound with deep and thoughtful lyrics. I love the raw and talented voice of an Elvis Costello when he is performing solo/acoustic. I also, enjoy the full london symphony behind Jennifer Knapp’s “Breathe on me” for example.
I really want to get into the classics (meaning classical) music but I don’t know where to start, and when I hear something I like, I can never remember who wrote it.