Unfortunately, I just heard an account of an overheard conversation which took place at a restaurant in a conservative state last evening; most of a group of young adults were eagerly talking up the health care bill’s passage, the coming cap and tax, and a one world government which would punish the exploitative industrialized nations. And one was talking up the need for the government to force people to return to subsistence farming as a way of life in order to save the Earth and to create a just society.
If there’s a civil war, I can imagine nothing more pleasant than seeing vermin like that as my targets.
So what happens to all those independent Third World nations and "national liberation movements" under a one world government? Do they get swallowed up as well? And if not . . . well, it's not a "one world government," is it?
And one was talking up the need for the government to force people to return to subsistence farming as a way of life in order to save the Earth and to create a just society.
They want the "government to force" people? Must be "anarchists!" [/sarcasm]
In all seriousness though, does this anti-industrialism not sound a bit like the old Southern Agrarians of the Thirties?
They would not know what “substence farming” is.