I don’t care if it was racist. The constitution seems to be OK with it the same way it’s with not being racist.
Freakin thought crimes. Orwell here we come.
I agree. I am just so tired of these mamby pamby responses from whites on all this race crap. Whites have become neutered droids who cower in fear over race. Meanwhile we have Black Liberation Theology in the White House, Black panthers at voting districts, Denver blacks specifically targeting whites and a list a mile long of other ‘race’ incidents not to mention race groups and organization of all kinds,lLike the Black Culture Center for example, yet whites are supposed to run around in circles and get on their knees over cotton balls. We’ve not only lost our country to the Marxist we have lost our sense of self.
"Ayn Rand and George Orwell were not just ordinary novelists they were prophets who wrote in novel format."