To: Justaham
Isn’t it funny how people keep harping on Quayle spelling potato “potatoe” yet the media totally ignores the empty suit pronouncing corps “corpse”......I hate the media.....and I truly, truly hate libs....
13 posted on
02/12/2010 2:46:30 PM PST by
(I'm praying for a bloodbath in '10)
To: BamaDi
My remembrance of the event was that a kid spelled it that way, Dan was a judge, and the card he had read spelled it that way. The media had the template of him as stupid and just ran with it.
Anyone remember that?
17 posted on
02/12/2010 2:49:01 PM PST by
(Thank a member of the US armed forces for their sacrifice)
To: BamaDi
Dan Quayle was a nice guy and the media gave him the Sarah Palin treatment.
19 posted on
02/12/2010 2:54:22 PM PST by
(TV - sending Americans towards Islamic serfdom - Cancel TV service NOW)
To: BamaDi
They also never mention that the TEACHER made up the flash cards, and the flash card said “potatoe.”
49 posted on
02/12/2010 4:12:14 PM PST by
Arthur McGowan
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