Davis supported a limited government, federalism, and an expansionist foreign policy (go west young man).
Which is, of course, why he refused to staff the third branch of government, seized control of the milita from the states, nationalized industries like textile and salt and liquor, instituted an income tax and proposed rates that were confiscatory in nature, seized a percentage of private farm produce without compensation 'for the war effort', forced private ship owners to reserve part of their cargo space without compensation for government shipments 'for the war effort', levied slave labor without compensating the owners 'for the war effort', suspended habeas corpus miles from the battlefield, jailed thousands without charges, all because he was a "limited government federalist". Thomas Jefferson would puke at the idea of being linked with a fraud like Davis.
...a far more interesting and honorable man than the slippery lawyer from Illinois.
As the Southron myth machine would have us believe. The truth is much different. And is, apparently, a foreign concept to the rebel horde.
The truth as you know it is limited to the fuzzy constructs of your own mind with absolutely no basis in reality.