Having raised our 5 kids through the two year old stage, I think it would be pretty hard to sort out.
'Rational' just doesn't apply at that age.
I was wondering that too. I’ve been around enough young children to think that most at age two at times could be described that way. Geez, they can rapid cycle through crying laughing and crying in the course of 10 minutes so yep bi polar (NOT),or maybe just a normal 2 yo?
I agree completely - I was laughing while reading them describing the personality change..... who hasn’t seen a 2 year old throwing a fit then suddenly bursting into laughter?
The easiest way to diagnose bi-polar condition is a gene test. Not sure what it costs, but research has determined that this is a strictly gene mediated problem. On the other hand, some “victims” are asymptomatic all their lives ~ but they are rare.