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John Birch Society and Mormon Prophecies about the US Constitution
Evangel Magazine (?) | 2002 | Dennis A. Wright

Posted on 01/10/2010 12:47:27 AM PST by CondoleezzaProtege

"...G. Vance Smith, a committed Mormon, now leads the Society. Vance Smith is systematically removing people from leadership positions within the John Birch Society and replacing them with Mormons. One gathers that Smith does not feel that he is accountable to the membership concerning his reasons for the replacement of longtime leadership. There seems to be no accountability factor. Longtime Birchers are leaving the Society en masse.

There seems to be a major concern that the Society is fast becoming a puppet for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. One document that I received suggests that Smith's course of action is tied in with his Mormon belief that, "The time will come when the destiny of the nation will hang upon a single thread."

Note the words of Mormon Prophet Brigham Young:

"Will the Constitution be destroyed? No; it will be held inviolate by this people; and, as Joseph Smith said, 'The time will come when the destiny of the nation will hang upon a single thread. At that critical juncture, this people will step forth and save it from threatened destruction.' It will be so." (Journal of Discourses,7:15.) Young also made another "prophecy" about the same circumstances: "Brethren and sisters, our friends wish to know our feelings towards the Government. I answer, they are first rate, and we will prove it too, as you will see if you only live long enough, for that we shall live to prove it is certain, and when the Constitution of the United States hangs, as it were, upon a single thread, they will have to call for the "Mormon" Elders to save it from utter destruction; and they will step forward and do it." (Journal of Discourses, 2:182.)

There is yet a third voice explaining this" prophecy," and that is the voice of Orson Hyde, a contemporary of Joseph Smiths because he was one of his Twelve Apostles, who wrote this, also quoted in Journal of Discourses:

"It is said that brother Joseph in his lifetime declared that the Elders of this Church should step forth at a particular time when the Constitution should be in danger, and rescue it, and save it. I believe he said something like this - that the time would come when the country would be in danger of an overthrow; and said he, If the Constitution be saved at all, it will be by the Elders of this Church. I believe this is about the language, as nearly as I can recollect it." (Journal of Discourses, 6:152) Does Vance Smith believe that this is a prophecy made by his Prophet that has yet to be fulfilled, and does he see the Birch Society in all of its endeavors striving to be the group to "step forward and do it" to save the Constitution in junction with the LDS Church? Is this why he is systematically removing longtime Birchers from leadership positions and replacing them with Mormons? Time will tell."

TOPICS: Conspiracy; Religion; Society; Weird Stuff
KEYWORDS: antimormonthread; birchers; christians; cpac; cpac2010; cult; cultists; evangelical; jbs; johnbirchsociety; ldschurch; mittromney; mittwhits; mormon; romney; teaparty
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NOTE: The original article was written by Dennis A. Wright of "Evangel Magazine," and from what I gathered, seems pretty legit. It is the magazine of a ministry that focuses on Christian evangelism geared towards members of cults. There was no online version of this article from the original source. I came across it on other, less reputable sites after doing a google search.

The main point is: Mormons believe in prophecies specifically about the US Constitution and a time where there will be a spiritual duty for Mormons to rise up and "preserve it." I find this pretty interesting.

Also note, this article is from 2002. The current president of JBS is not G. Vance Smith, but Art Thompson. I am not sure what his affiliations are. Of course every conspiracy should be taken with a grain of salt. :)

1 posted on 01/10/2010 12:47:29 AM PST by CondoleezzaProtege
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To: The Ignorant Fisherman

*PING* (think you might be interested in this.)

2 posted on 01/10/2010 12:59:43 AM PST by CondoleezzaProtege ("When I survey the wondrous cross...")
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To: CondoleezzaProtege

“At that critical juncture, this people will step forth and save it from threatened destruction.”

Bring on the Mormon warriors.

3 posted on 01/10/2010 1:23:38 AM PST by Boucheau
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To: Boucheau; The Ignorant Fisherman
It was a huge red flag for me when Glenn Beck had the nerve to call the Constitution a "divinely inspired" document...That is blasphemous. ONLY the *BIBLE* is God-breathed!

While I appreciate a lot of the material covered on his show and his obvious patriotism--I am not sure how clear the line is between his religion and his politics. I am not aware of how a "Mormon worldview" works.

I obviously am not against the free expression of religion in this country, nor am I against allying with members of different religions around common causes--such as the pro-life movement. THAT being said, I hope Christians keep a discerning eye and remember that their primary allegiance is to Jesus Christ, HIS Gospel, HIS kingdom (which is "not of this world") and living by the Word of God. Christ must take primacy over nation, over the Constitution.

Jesus never advocated political revolt against Caesar, nor did he ever wave an American flag. Christians in this country need to keep that in mind as they prayerfully sift through how to participate in the democratic society we're so blessed live in. The early Christians of the Bible and Christians throughout other parts of the world today live under very different political conditions, places that would make Obama seem like George Washington.

All this John Bircher Society-LDS-Romney/CPAC stuff is quite enlightening if I do say so myself. I am glad I am not taking part in such a convention, which in addition to JBS has "GOProud" sponsoring it. While I believe homosexuals have every right to hold fiscally conservative viewpoints and every right to live in this country and even practice their lifestyle in private--I do not want to be a part of a party giving their agenda such a prominent sense of validation. I am glad Palin will not be attending and by contrast, "The Tea Party Convention" is made up of far more respectable organizations and speakers.

I am not sure where Palin stands theologically with regard to her Christianity. However, I know that her faith is genuine and not a front, and that she seeks guidance from the God of the BIBLE and not the false, creepy Book of Mormon.

4 posted on 01/10/2010 2:27:06 AM PST by CondoleezzaProtege ("When I survey the wondrous cross...")
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To: CondoleezzaProtege
call the Constitution a "divinely inspired" document

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

I agree that in the context given the Constitution was divinely inspired.

That context is that the founders were seeking divine guidance to give them the inspiration to create the excellence found in America’s Constitution. The founders recognized that the people had an inherent right to a belief in a creator but the government did not.

I am particularly fond of the words in the preamble, “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”.

5 posted on 01/10/2010 3:11:59 AM PST by MosesKnows (Love many, Trust few, and always paddle your own canoe)
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To: CondoleezzaProtege

Does Glenn Beck count as a Mormon elder? Because he sure as heck is doing more to save the Constitution than anyone else in the country. Mark Levin is also doing a heck of a job educating Americans with “Liberty and Tyranny”. But this is just evidence of the Mormon-Jewish conspiracy.

6 posted on 01/10/2010 3:30:43 AM PST by Jabba the Nutt (Are they insane, stupid or just evil?)
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Then I guess one could find exception with these words as well writen by a non Mormon who has a very large ministry. Some may know who it is as these are words to a song the man wrote and sang. The song has a very strong and needed message.

Over 200 years ago they shook off the chains of tyranny from Great Britain By divine call, Citing 27 biblical violations they wrote the Declaration of Independence With liberty and justice for all. But something happened since Jefferson called the Bible the cornerstone For American liberty then put it in our schools as a light Or since "Give me liberty, or give me death," Patrick Henry said Our country was founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Fifty two men of the 55 who formed the Constitution were active Christians. Although many of them by today's church standards would be rejected because they were Deist. History is full of all kinds of tidbits of information. But the war on Mormons and the war on Birchers is ridiculous. I know one here in FR who is Mormon and he is devout in his love for and belief in Christ as his savior. I want say his name because I don't want the goon squad going after him.

I don't much agree with Basic Mormon belief beyond Jesus Christ is our savior. I know a few Birchers and I'll tell you this I can think of no better person to have as a neighbor and friend especially in these times. The same with Mormons. I have Mormon cousins. I have Catholic aunts and cousins including a Priest. I'm not a Bircher either. The Birchers I know or knew were Baptist interesting enough.

Another thread makes a Romney/Birch connection. I would not vote for Romney as dog catcher but it isn't because he is Mormon. BTW folks one of the Cheneys has close ties to a company highly associated with JBS as it;s founder was a primary funder to get JBS started at all. Are we going to have a Cheney/Bircher thread also? Good grief people. Even the late Paul Weyrich had a man who filled in many times for him on his show and that man was Mormon, Paul trusted him.

Some need to go find themselves a better boogieman to chase. If many of todays churches did even a tenth of the missionary work LDS does and has their youth doing maybe this nation might return back to some moral sanity you think? I can only think of one church with equal or maybe a larger missionary field than the Mormons and that is the Roman Catholic Church.

Nah! It's much easier to just sit back and bash Mormons and call Birchers Kooks so says this Baptist.

7 posted on 01/10/2010 3:31:45 AM PST by cva66snipe (Two Choices left for U.S. One Nation Under GOD or One Nation Under Judgment? Which one say ye?)
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To: cva66snipe

Nice post.

8 posted on 01/10/2010 3:43:26 AM PST by Cringing Negativism Network (2012: Repeal it all... All of it!)
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To: Cringing Negativism Network

Thanks. Well it’s bed time for me :>}

9 posted on 01/10/2010 3:47:13 AM PST by cva66snipe (Two Choices left for U.S. One Nation Under GOD or One Nation Under Judgment? Which one say ye?)
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To: CondoleezzaProtege

10 posted on 01/10/2010 4:19:12 AM PST by Diogenesis ("Those who go below the surface do so at their peril" - Oscar Wilde)
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To: CondoleezzaProtege

It was a huge red flag for me when Glenn Beck had the nerve to call the Constitution a “divinely inspired” document...That is blasphemous. ONLY the *BIBLE* is God-breathed!

Sorry, but if you really believe what you said above, you don’t read or understand the Bible very well, nor do you understand the nature of the Constitution or the men who labored to bring it forth for the benefit of mankind.

11 posted on 01/10/2010 4:23:12 AM PST by wita
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To: CondoleezzaProtege

Sorry Had to do it. LOL

12 posted on 01/10/2010 5:40:54 AM PST by 70th Division (I love my country but fear my government!)
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To: Jabba the Nutt

Yes, Glenn Beck is an Elder in the Church.

Mitt is a High Priest.

Glenn is doing more to save the Constitution than any mere politician could do.

People here need to get a life, prophesy or not, if any one from any faith step up to help preserve this great, and yes, divinely inspired Constitution, they have my support.

13 posted on 01/10/2010 7:08:15 AM PST by Ripliancum (I'm not ignoring you, just taking good counsel. - Proverbs 15:1-2)
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To: Ripliancum
The Divinely Inspired Constitution:

From an LDS Apostle.

14 posted on 01/10/2010 7:12:18 AM PST by Ripliancum (I'm not ignoring you, just taking good counsel. - Proverbs 15:1-2)
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To: Ripliancum
Our Divine Constitution:

From an LDS Prophet

(Ezra Taft Benson, strong supporter of the JBS)

15 posted on 01/10/2010 7:14:58 AM PST by Ripliancum (I'm not ignoring you, just taking good counsel. - Proverbs 15:1-2)
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To: onyx; Bob J; mkjessup; STARWISE; LucyT; FromLori; sonofstrangelove; blam; muawiyah; SunkenCiv; ...


16 posted on 01/10/2010 7:16:10 AM PST by hennie pennie
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To: Ripliancum
From Benson's talk, above: Notice "among others"

"I have faith that the Constitution will be saved as prophesied by Joseph Smith. It will be saved by the righteous citizens of this nation who love and cherish freedom. It will be saved by enlightened members of this Church—among others—men and women who understand and abide the principles of the Constitution.

I reverence the Constitution of the United States as a sacred document. To me its words are akin to the revelations of God, for God has placed His stamp of approval upon it.

I testify that the God of heaven sent some of His choicest spirits to lay the foundation of this government, and He has now sent other choice spirits to help preserve it.

We, the blessed beneficiaries of the Constitution, face difficult days in America, “a land which is choice above all other lands” (Ether 2:10).

May God give us the faith and the courage exhibited by those patriots who pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.

May we be equally as valiant and as free, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

17 posted on 01/10/2010 7:26:36 AM PST by Ripliancum (I'm not ignoring you, just taking good counsel. - Proverbs 15:1-2)
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To: Diogenesis
This Rex Rammell guy obviously didn't read what his own Church President said.

Benson said it would be men and women both (see above post)

Rammell is a sexist jerk who thinks way too fondly of himself.

18 posted on 01/10/2010 7:38:44 AM PST by Ripliancum (I'm not ignoring you, just taking good counsel. - Proverbs 15:1-2)
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To: hennie pennie

Someone on here told me not too long ago they were a member for years and then quit. Interesting thank you.

19 posted on 01/10/2010 7:47:05 AM PST by FromLori (FromLori)
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To: cva66snipe
Fifty two men of the 55 who formed the Constitution were active Christians. Although many of them by today's church standards would be rejected because they were Deist.

I read John Eidsmoe's "Christianity and the Constitution". He concludes that less than 5% of the founders were not christians by our standards. This is hardly "many", even if those 5% were shown to be deists which he could not. For you see a deist by definition is one who believes that after the demiurge created the world, he set it motion and does not interfer. Even Ben Franklin believed that God intervenes in the affairs of men. Not deists.

20 posted on 01/10/2010 7:50:03 AM PST by nonsporting
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