Even if one has the votes to call such an investigation, it will quickly go nowhere as the Congress cannot force the Executive Branch from revealing anything more about the President than what it wants to reveal (which has already been revealed). It will quickly escalate into a Constitutional fight, and the Executive Branch will win, since SCOTUS will not touch it.
It is best to leave this out - the only thing this point will do is to allow detractors to single it out as evidence of the "fringe element" nature of the movement, ignoring other legitimate points of the Platform. As a result, the entire Platform will be derided, or worse, ignored, leading to the same fate as the earth shattering "Climategate" revelations, which is that it will die a natural death, never graduating past chatter in niche conservative groups.
Yes, I suppose you are right. But I hate to see this guy get away with making a mockery of our Constitution.
ex animo