It could be but I know when my friend’s uncle died in his store a few years ago, even though they are Jewish and autopsies are usually out of the question, they still went ahead with it because they wanted to know what killed him(Since he was only 48) turns out he had a 90 percent clog in his main artery, died of a massive heart attack. But after reading some of the stories about this guy, sounds like he has something to hide but I will wait and see as well. When someone that young dies, I would want to know what killed him/her
I hear too. My mother died unexpectedly, and we had an autopsy done (even though it wasn’t legally required), but people get stupid in times of crisis. I just don’t want to point fingers at anybody before we know if there is something besides a grief reaction going on.
I seem to remember reading Brittany Murphy lived with her mother until her marriage a few years ago. Someone on my facebook page said they googled her and found out she had a coke habit. Who knows what is true?