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The Astounding Impact of the Ruthless Manipulation of Militant Gay Activists!
Catholic Prophecy Today ^ | 2009 | Rev. Joseph Dwight

Posted on 12/18/2009 5:40:29 AM PST by JosephJames

Over a hundred years ago the homosexual act was considered Sodomy and it was identified as an act. It still is Sodomy. IT WAS REFERRED TO AS THE HOMOSEXUAL ACT. BUT IN THE 1960’S IT WAS THEN CONDITIONED. The condition of homosexuality was redefined as a condition rather than an act. It did not change, it was just redefined. What really happened here was while you can criticize an act and you can even say it is a criminal act, how do you criticize a condition that someone suffers with? How can you criticize the act that one commits who has this regrettable condition! “Can’t you be more compassionate?!?” AND THEN FROM THE CONDITION WE NOW HAVE AN IDENTITY.

And the identity is now equated to Hispanic or Polish or short or thin… And how can you attack my identity? This identity is equated by Gay activists, whereas the majority of Americans reject this totally. It is a marketing progression. It is definitely a manipulation, an abuse of the public who are dependent upon science, educators, politicians, policy makers, the AMA, the APA, etc; we are all dependent as a community and as a society and as a culture on these different disciplines. So if education has not been properly handled, if science and public policy have not been properly handled, then we end up not only being manipulated but we have been lied to; WE HAVE BEEN LITERALLY DEFRAUDED.

The attack on the Christian church is not coincidental. THEY HAVE A PRODUCT TO SELL: IT IS CALLED HOMOSEXUALITY. Years ago, their insidious agenda was not selling through normal channels. So in February 1988, some 175 leading activists representing homosexual groups from across the nation held a WAR CONFERENCE in Warrenton, Virginia, to map out their movement’s future. Shortly thereafter, activists Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen put into book form the comprehensive public relations plan they had been advocating with their gay-rights peers for several years.

Kirk and Madsen were not the kind of drooling activists that would burst into churches and throw condoms in the air. They were smart guys – very smart. Kirk, a Harvard-educated researcher in neuropsychiatry, worked with the Johns Hopkins Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth and designed aptitude tests for adults with 200+ IQs. Madsen, with a doctorate in politics from Harvard, was an expert on public persuasion tactics and social marketing. Together they wrote "AFTER THE BALL: How America Will Conquer It’s Fear and Hatred of Gays in the '90s", in which they outlined very carefully the way in which they were going to manipulate the way in which Americans think about this issue!

What was THE BOTTOM LINE of Kirk and Madsen's master plan? "The campaign we outline in this book, though complex, depends centrally upon a program of unabashed propaganda, firmly grounded in long-established principles of psychology and advertising." (

Kirk and Madsen's "war goal," explains marketing expert Paul E. Rondeau of Regent University, was to "force acceptance of homosexual culture into the mainstream, to silence opposition, and ultimately to convert American society." Visit: “Selling Homosexuality To America”, by Paul E. Rondeau, at Visit also: “Political Correctness: How They Market Homosexuality”; (

Homosexual activists call their movement "GAY RIGHTS." This accomplishes two major objectives: (1) The use of the word gay rather than homosexual masks the controversial sexual behavior involved and accentuates instead a vague but positive-sounding cultural identity – gay, which, after all, once meant "happy"; and (2) describing their battle as one over "rights" implies homosexuals are being denied the basic freedoms of citizenship that others enjoy. The game plan of these shrewd gay activists was to employ powerful marketing and public relations techniques as well as science to undermine old time religion. And they have done exactly that. IS THIS NOT VERY UPSETTING? So one of their key points of the marketing plan of homosexuality was to undermine the Church and in fact to redefine Christian beliefs just as they now want to redefine marriage. The gay militants went to the leadership of the APA (AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION) and sold the notion to them, and then the leadership of the APA went and tried to sell it to their membership. But the membership was never completely complicit in this, they never really agreed with what was being pushed and shoved down their throats.

The movement started with Dr. Robert Spitzer with the APA, who writes about this currently. There was no new scientific research that removed homosexuality as a socio-pathic personality disorder. SPITZER REDEFINED HOMOSEXUALITY on behalf of Gay activists so that this disorder could be removed from public awareness. It was the same disorder that it always was. Now they are redefining Christianity. After 2000 years of every Christian scholar of every denomination agreeing that homosexuality is sinful, we hear things in the emergence church: “Well it really doesn’t say that”. Regarding marriage: “No, no, we are not redefining it”. But if it is not a man and a woman, if it is not two halves of humanity, then what is it? If it is not a man and a woman, it can be anything that man says it is.

These public manipulators have been trying to prove an organic source of homosexuality for many years but have been unable to do that. For decades, the APA has not considered homosexuality a psychological disorder, while other professionals in the field consider it to be a "gender-identity" problem. To try to maintain a little credibility, the APA even had to revise their statement on homosexuality. Specifically, in a brochure that first came out in 1998, the APA stated: "There is considerable recent evidence to suggest that biology, including genetic or inborn hormonal factors, play a significant role in a person's sexuality.” Contrast this with the new statement (May 2009): "There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay or lesbian orientation.”

Peter LaBarbera, who heads “Americans for Truth About Homosexuality”, believes the more recent statement is an important admission because it undermines a popular theory. "People need to understand that the 'GAY GENE' THEORY HAS BEEN ONE OF THE BIGGEST PROPAGANDA BOONS OF THE HOMOSEXUAL MOVEMENT over the last 10 or 15 years," he points out. "Studies show that if people think that people are born homosexual they're much less likely to resist the gay agenda."

Matt Barber with “Liberty Counsel” feels the pronouncement may have something to do with SAVING FACE. "Well, I think here the American Psychological Association is finally trying to restore some credibility that they've lost over the years by having become a clearly political organization as opposed to an objective, scientific organization," he states. With the new information from the APA, Barber wonders if the organization will admit that HOMOSEXUALS WHO WANT TO CHANGE CAN CHANGE. (

“'Gay' gene claim suddenly vanishes”; “The Fading "Gay Gene"; (; “The Psychological Profession and Homosexuality: Lunatics Running the Asylum?”; (

There never was any consensus except among the gay activists of division 44 of the APA!

They did research years ago as part of the marketing plan that showed that if you told people that if you were born that way, that it is innate, people would be more likely to accept it. And they used that research, except there was a caveat to it. Several scientists did research on the research and they found that when presented to biology students, it had the opposite affect. So when presented to people who actually know something about science versus those who just worship at the altar of science, it had a crumbling foundation. THEY WERE TOLD TO BE CAREFUL HOW THEY USE THIS FALSE PROPAGANDA.

IT IS MY CONTENTION THAT THE AMERICAN POPULATION DOES NOT WANT TO BE MANIPULATED; THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE TOYED WITH OR PLAYED WITH. And this is precisely what happened. All of this pseudo science that has accompanied this discussion for all of these years is simply that: PSEUDO. There is no Gay gene; none has been found and scientists say that they doubt if they will find it. The point of the matter is, this has been a socially constructed campaign. And that is upsetting to say the least! “The Gay Gene?” by Jeffrey Satinover, M.D. ( “Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth” by Jeffrery Satinover; ( “Americans for Truth, a newly reorganized national organization devoted exclusively to exposing and countering the homosexual activist agenda” (

The act of homosexuality is not only disordered, but IT LEADS TO OTHER DISORDERS. It is a symptom of a deeper emotional hurt and wound. Just like drugs or any other obsessive behavioral trait, when it does not satisfy, you seek further and further to find what it is you are looking for, never filling the spot that is empty. So you have within the homosexual lifestyle drug abuse, alcohol abuse, obsessive compulsive disorders, depression and doubt, even to the point of viewing suicide as a solution. “The Gay Youth Suicide Myth”; (

Interestingly we have the entire legal and social framework now developing around something called “HATE CRIMES” when in fact the highest level of domestic abuse is within the Gay community. The safest person is a married woman; she has the lowest amount of domestic abuse. The most at risk are two lesbians; this is FBI statistics, not religious statistics or even medical statistics, but FBI reports. The amount of abuse within the Gay community regarding domestic abuse is far above and far greater than anything in the heterosexual community, including heterosexuals that are cohabitating, which of course have a higher abuse rate than married people do.

There is a much higher abuse of drugs and alcohol in the Gay community. THE IDEA OF A LIFETIME COMMITMENT DOES NOT EXIST WITHIN THE HOMOSEXUAL COMMUNITY. Even within so-called “committed pairs”, they will say that the freedom to have “open relationships” is part of the lure of the homosexual lifestyle to begin with. It never intends to be monogamous. In Holland they did a study shortly after same sex pairs were legalized and found that less than 5% of those who made some sort of public declaration of commitment, had been monogamous even one year later. So one thing was to achieve their political objective, but they were unable to satisfy it in terms of their personal commitment within the content of that political objective which was a legalized union.

We are so manipulated and conditioned to think about homosexuality! The human genome project was completed and they found no Gay gene! The research done by homosexuals could not be replicated because their research was methodologically flawed. It was not a surprise to the original researchers. AND YET WE ARE STILL CONDITIONED TO BELIEVE THIS BIG LIE due to their well orchestrated manipulations.

This is not a new technique. In 1970, the CALIFORNIA MEDICAL JOURNAL released an article how ABORTION WOULD BE A VERY LUCRATIVE BUSINESS; it was admitted in the article that indeed that if this were to be presented to the American population it would never fly because the American population would never permit the killing of a child in the womb. It was admitted in the article that everyone knows that life begins at the moment of conception. So they had to change the language; they had to change the way in which people refer to the child in the womb; they had to begin to depersonalize the child. (“Recycling Wrongs: All Over Again”;;;

God has lovingly given to mankind A VERY ORDERED DIVINE PLAN. Our God is not a capricious God. He is omniscient, so He could not be capricious. The design of His creation is meant to follow an order. And when it does not follow this order then aberration exists. We see this unfortunately in the disease that accompanies this type of homosexual lifestyle. The body rebels against it.

They say that God forgives all the time, and that man forgives sometimes, but NATURE NEVER FORGIVES. We see all this disorder breaking out in the lifestyle which is fundamentally disordered from the prospective of God’s plan. Even if you do not believe God’s plan, believe what nature is telling you about it. You can extrapolate backwards to find out what God’s plan really is just from the terrible chaos that results from going away from this plan and going toward something that is naturally disordered as well as spiritually disordered. When we look at it from that prospective, we are looking at something that has to be manipulated in order to be promoted. Because God’s plan is very black and white, very simple, and God leaves it that way because He knows that this is the only way that we are going to get it. It is good for everybody, for all of His children. And just like kids, kids like very secure and clear concepts.

In order to change those concepts you have to obfuscate, you have to change terminology, you have to change language, you have to rationalize, you have to make something abstract which God makes very clear.

These powerful and energetic manipulators have STIMULATED A FALSE COMPASSION for those who have the homosexual tendency. There are many notions today about the homosexual lifestyle being something that is somehow biological; but there is no gay gene even though we continue to hear this lie in the mass media. A false compassion is not a good response because it truly does not help the person who is caught up in the midst of a very disordered lifestyle. Thus these conniving people have to take the public out of the realm of objective right and wrong and put it into very subjective categories such as compassion which is a very subjective thing; it is an emotional type of thing. It is just about how you feel basically, not about what is right and wrong. And that is part of the manipulation, part of the marketing in order to get us to accept something that is totally unacceptable in God’s plan and very destructive to these poor people who have fallen into the trap, as well as to society.

There are CAUSES WHICH CAN CONTRIBUTE TO THIS LIFESTYLE. There is gender confusion due to improper identification at the critical time. On a farm for animals, it is called imprinting. It is easier for girls to self-identify their gender than for boys. Thus if the father is not involved and present with a minimal amount of fatherly love at that critical time, as happens more often in our industrial age, there is not always the backup and support system today to help the child discover his God-given identification. So when puberty arrives, if a teenager has an initiating experience with a homosexual predator, this boy has a hormonal burst that goes with the pleasurable experience and grooves the brain. After this initiating experience, it is difficult for the boy to believe that he is not a homosexual. But this damage can be overcome with prayer, love of God and neighbor, and determination just as one can overcome the strong addictions to pornography and masturbation. The homosexual community knows this and yet many homosexuals go into the study of science and into education because they want to bend education and science to support their world view.

How did they move this agenda forward in the face of the reality that none of it is true? The average income of those in the homosexual community is much higher per capita. In the book: “After the Ball”, the strategy was laid out after the War conference. They concentrated on PRODUCT, PROMOTION, PRICING, PLANNING (the four P’s of marketing); the biggest piece of it was to repackage the product so it is no longer homosexual but it is gay, because that takes sex out of it; it is lesbian; it is not even transsexual anymore, it is transgender; so you remove sex out of it even though homosexuality is all about sex. It is verbal manipulation. This is the Gay agenda, the Gay rights movement.

The Gay people may seem nice! Your next door neighbor… Same sex marriage is not about rights, it is about political power. We have a 1000 laws on the federal books in each state that mention adoption, parents, spouse, marriage, … ALL OF THESE LAWS ARE THEIR TARGET. But more importantly, the way it has been marketed is that it is just another thing; talk and talk… until everyone gets fed up with it. If they cannot get you out of the shower at least they will get you used to getting wet. So they want to numb our intelligence; this is the marketing plan. When we talk about if you are born gay or not, it does not matter. People can be born with cancer or obesity… Let’s just redefine obesity, if it is a big problem, OK, all kids under 250 lbs are not obese. Problem gone!

So when you talk about same sex marriage, that is not the end, that is the beginning. THEIR AGENDA IS MEANT TO USURP OUR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS ON RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. Many people have already been sued: photographers regarding religious protection; priests in Canada investigated for hate crimes; an Evangelical pastor had to take many things off of his web site; they are threatening the licenses of professionals, doctors, … The key here is that they want to convince us that same sex marriage is about doing the right thing. Because most people want to do the right thing. In the marketing of the homosexual agenda they had to silence their critics, they want to repackage it to be healthy wealthy and wise, which it is none of the above. They want their agenda to become totally ingrained in society; they specifically said that their goal was to convert the hearts and minds of the average citizen.

This is not about rights, it is not about doing the right thing, THIS IS ABOUT POLITICAL POWER. Years ago it was about: “We just want to be left alone.” You do not want the government in your bedroom do you? We said: “Well that seems right.” And then in 2003, “Lawrence v. Texas”, all of a sudden Sodomy was a constitutional right. And if you think it is going to end with same sex marriage, … it will be only another stepping stone in their destructive path.

At the Human Rights Campaign dinner in Washington, D.C. on October 10, 2009, president Obama said: “There are still fellow citizens, perhaps neighbors, even loved ones -- good and decent people -- who hold fast to outworn arguments and old attitudes. … You will see a time in which we as a nation finally recognize relationships between two men or two women as just as real and admirable as relationships between a man and a woman.” (

It is interesting that OBAMA STAYED AWAY FROM THIS TOPIC BEFORE ELECTIONS in November 2008 because he knew how most Americans feel about this issue. Despite the powerful hammering and brainwashing of the mass media on this issue, the Americans have voted consistently up to this time to not undermine the most fundamental cell of society, the family, by redefining marriage and family according to these secular humanists. Why do Obama and the democrats not represent the people who overwhelmingly elected them last November?

“Obama Supports Same-Sex Marriage, and If You Disagree You're a Bigot”; (

Tammy Bruce, a lesbian feminist conservative, says the movement has been taken over by malignant narcissists. She says in her book, “The New Thought Police”, that it really is not about rights anymore, it is about power and controlling the rest of society. Consider where same sex marriages leads. The teaching of homosexuality in Massachusetts schools is required starting in Kindergarten; why, because same sex marriage is the law of the land. Parents no longer have any rights to protect their children regarding what is taught in their local schools. So many are no longer being allowed to participate or to use government facilities because they are judged to be using DISCRIMINATORY ACTIVITY because they consider the act of homosexuality a sin. The Salvation Army lost three million dollars of billings in San Francisco; the oldest adoption facility in that state of Massachusetts, a Catholic foundation, is now out of business. Imagine if you are a small business, church, school, or hospital and someone tells you: “Oh, sure it’s OK to not be in favor of same sex marriages, but by the way, you cannot subcontract to the government or to any contract with the government because you are discriminatory; and so the trillion dollars we spend every year, none of it can go to your organization.”

The term persecuted is not to be used because this is part of their marketing plan. The marketing plan is to either CONVERT OR SILENCE THE RESISTERS to their cause. And you silence them by marginalizing them or by exacting a price. We understand that when you buy something there is an exchange of money and then you get the good. But the “pricing” here means something very different in this plan.

EXACTION PRICING comes from exacting your pound of flesh. Bear in mind that they have very powerful economics behind them; the average income of homosexuals is significantly higher per capita than the rest of the population. So with carefully crafted propaganda fed through the media, you are being labeled as a racist or a bigot or a homophobe (a made up word). Homosexuality is being forced on our children in their public classrooms. These clever manipulators often use the falsely applied “Separation of Church and State”! Why are we not allowed to separate this heinous propagation of a very disordered lifestyle from our dear children in our public schools?!? The homosexual agenda has been carefully crafted and packaged to change the way Americans think about homosexuality. First they claim to be a victim. Then they cry for tolerance when actually their goal is acceptance, legitimacy and the stifling of decent. THE ARGUMENT IS REFRAMED so that there are only two positions: that of the reasonable tolerant person and that of the stifled bigot. A closet is by no means a suitable place to live, but to abandon it only to force people of faith into it is NOT TOLERANCE.

They have closed down businesses. During PROPOSITION 8 in CALIFORNIA, there were bomb threats; there have been churches invaded. They published the list of all the donors that were in favor of Prop. 8. Why would you publish a donor list; what would the reason be for that? Yes it is public information, but why would gay groups publish the opposition donor list? American Airlines, Fortune 500 companies, they have all felt the brunt of exaction pricing.

Some of us are old enough to remember Dr. Laura Schlessinger; she is licensed in psychology, she is very credentialed, and they made her out to be a hack. She was actually gay friendly, but she made the mistake of basically saying one thing: “IT ISN’T NORMAL”. And they ended up going after all of her advertisers, going after her, labeling her as a bigot, her show was cancelled. Do you remember Anita Briant, who you cannot speak about anymore? She was vilified!

And then there are the X GAYS: the executive director (cult founder and founding editor, Michael Glatze) of “Young Gay America”, the founder of “Venus Magazine” (young gay lesbian), Charlene Cothran - - - they left the lifestyle, proclaimed it publicly, and the long knives came out: they were proclaimed to be psychotic, they had drunken right wing Kool-Aid, they internalized their homophobia….

The same kind of campaign was led against Sara Palin. Miss California was ridiculed and attacked for not representing the people of California by saying that she believed in one man and one woman marriages. It does not have to make sense; it is not logical! It does not have to be true, because they will redirect our thoughts through marketing to sell us the lie. We are seeing it! If you want to see WHAT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU, see what has happened to people who have come out of it, who were high profile, and have gone public, and that is what is in store for the rest of us. HOPEFULLY THIS INCREDIBLE PERSECUTION AND TOTAL PERVERSION OF THE TRUTH MIGHT OPEN THE EYES OF THE CONSUMING PUBLIC!

To get an idea of what is really going on, visit these articles, all at the same website: “'Homosexual' activist says s-ex with animals 'inalienable right'”; “Consider the "dark side". The ACLU and NAMBLA...”; “Men from Sodom were extremely violent homosexuals. Not unlike the activist homosexuals in America today....”; “See what's going on in our Schools”; “Homosexual intolerance and hatred toward Christians.. The ugly side of the "Homosexual Agenda"”; “Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools”; “Four firefighters are suing the city of San Diego for being forced by their superiors to attend the annual "Gay Pride" parade where they endured a barrage of sexual taunts and lewd gestures.”; “Like Massachusetts Democrats, California Democrats are forcing Homosexuality & same sex marriage”; “Perverse Homosexual Events attacking & Mocking Jesus & Christianity”; “'Gay' activist says 'We will BURY you' - Threats made against Christian workers opposing homosexual agenda”; “How a 'gay rights' leader became straight”; (

“The VOCATION OF MARRIAGE is written in the very nature of man and woman as they came from the hand of the Creator” (CCC 1603).

It is amazing how the truth can be manipulated and changed in the public forum even though this falls out of God’s plan for the human person, even though medical science proves the truth of the matter, even though the cancer rate is so high among individuals in this lifestyle, domestic violence rate is so high, drug and alcohol abuse is so high… The atrocious sickness called AIDS was so endemic to the Gay community that it used to be called GRID (gay-related immunodeficiency disease), and it was changed after they had their War Council to Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome, as a marketing tool again to remove the stigma from the people who really had it and spread it. We have learned since then that it is actually spread due to promiscuity. But in the U.S., with the Gay bathhouses, AIDS in the U.S. was almost totally within the gay community. Gay is a social political name (the Gay Party). There was even a lot of infighting in the Gay activist community with those who spoke up very harshly about these political goals: “Is not this agenda costing us our own lives?”; but they did not win the battle. This is similar to the horrendous attitude of PLANNED PARENTHOOD regarding the horrible results on women around the world who are greatly discriminated against and sold as sex slaves due the these God-less, horrendous policies of Planned Parenthood.

Are not those with a homosexual tendency being USED BY POWERFUL MANIPULATORS above them for other global (Satanic!) purposes and goals? When the people were allowed to vote on this issue in over 30 states, the people always voted to maintain the traditional definition of marriage between a man and woman as God intended from the very beginning (Gen 1:27; 2:24), even though the powerful Gay lobby spent far more money on these referendums than the groups who were supporting the traditional marriage between one man and one woman. Gay unions are legal right now only in three states where the people were forced to accept this law imposed on them by the little dictators in their state governments.

We are truly dealing with another ANTI LIFE MOVEMENT, a manifestation of the culture of death. It is anti life in many respects. The most obvious respect is that Gay people cannot reproduce; there is no way to be fruitful and multiply according to God’s original plan (Gen 1:28); it is physically impossible. So that’s why the whole effort of homosexual adoptions and in vitro fertilizations all come into play here because there is something anti life about it at the very core of the reality of it. On top of that, it is a total distortion of what family and marriage means. When you go against the very fertile plan of God, who became man in Jesus Christ, that we might have life and that we might have it abundantly, it becomes and is anti-God, and therefore by definition it is anti-life; it is all the kinds of things that drive people to death.

Pope Benedict XVI, in his inaugural address before becoming the Holy Father talked about the “DICTATORSHIP OF RELATIVISM”, which is extremely necessary for this movement to advance and move forward. Relativism has certainly seeped into our legislative bodies and into our judicial system. And now we see that there is even a redefinition in the way in which we look at the Constitution of the U.S. Positivism tells us that if this is a living document, it needs to be interpreted according to the day and time in which it functions. This is why we have reason to be concerned even about first amendment rights that we currently seem to enjoy. Since the majority of Americans have not stood up for the truth in the last 50 years or more, soon we will have no rights whatsoever in the so-called “LAND OF THE FREE”!

GOD’S PLAN IS BASED ON THE TRUTH. Let us use just the term “natural marriage”, without using the term “traditional marriage”. Even the most aboriginal cultures had this same natural order. So what is happening here is that we are seeing on the mystical level, brought down to the concrete incarnation on earth, Satan, the father of lies. What we have here is lying as a standard methodology for presenting it’s case to the public. We are not told, for instance, the content of what a homosexual lifestyle is all about. It is not family friendly considering some of the practices that are so destructive both physically and emotionally for the participants in this lifestyle. If most people who thought that the people next door who seem really nice people, but who happen to be a same sex pair, if they had an inkling of what was happening within that relationship, they would be so aghast! They would no longer see it as a matter of “COMPASSION” (FALSE!) according to the definition of the militant Gay activists, but rather they would want to rescue these misguided people from this lifestyle. THIS WOULD BE THE TRUE COMPASSIONATE RESPONSE!

Due to the fact that the militant Gay activist have been able to grab hold of just about all of our institutions in the U.S., including the educational system, our children are at great risk. In an age where good is called evil and evil good, concerned parents must inoculate their children from the cultural engineering of the secular humanists. THE WORLD APPLAUDS SIN! A free man need not be ashamed of virtue; honor needs no apology. Tradition is not right because it is long standing. But some traditions are long standing because they are right!

“Do you not know that THE UNRIGHTEOUS WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God” (1Cor 6:9-11; see also CCC 2357-2359). Every person who desires to follow their God-informed conscience must resist temptations. Normal men and women must control their desire for the opposite sex for love of God and neighbor. So too those who have the homosexual tendency, who desire to follow God, must also resist temptations if they hope to have a happy life on earth and an unimaginable blissful eternity. If I have a desire to kill someone, can I do it, after all, I’m free?!?

CHRISTIANS NEED TO STAND: stand up for the truth, stand up for our faith and families. And yes, stand up for that poor confused soul who is being encourage to engage in behavior destructive to mind, body and soul.

We are very soon going to be placed BETWEEN THE DEVIL AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA. This was already clearly indicated by Cardinal Ratzinger (June 3, 2003), as head of the CDF, before being elevated to the Chair of Peter. He refers specifically on the issue of how Christians are to respond, even where same sex unions have been legalized. Many want to believe that if it becomes the law of the land, they are off the hook, as so many have done regarding abortion! This is what he wrote: “In those situations where homosexual unions have been legally recognized or have been given the legal status and rights belonging to marriage, clear and emphatic opposition is a duty. ONE MUST REFRAIN FROM ANY KIND OF FORMAL COOPERATION IN THE ENACTMENT OR APPLICATION OF SUCH GRAVELY UNJUST LAWS and, as far as possible, from material cooperation on the level of their application. In this area, everyone can exercise the right to conscientious objection.” (“On Legal Recognition of Homosexual Unions - The Church Cannot Approve Deviant Behavior”;

This means that if you are a CITY COMMISSIONER and you are Catholic, you cannot change the laws so as to accommodate this diabolic agenda. If you are a TEACHER, you cannot teach the gay curriculum if you are a Catholic. You can give no “formal cooperation in the enactment or application”. If you are a DOCTOR, you can in no way shape or form teach, hold or promote anything that would support the homosexual lifestyle. If you are a LANDLORD and you have an apartment complex full of families, you cannot rent to a same sex couple, if you are Catholic. If you are a JUDGE or a PASTOR, you cannot marry two people of the same sex!

Thus the more the same sex model of marriage is established by law, the more the traditional, GOD-GIVEN MODEL OF MARRIAGE BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN WILL BE ATTACKED AND PERSECUTED. In the end only one model will be left standing since they are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. If Americans approve marriages between homosexuals or whatever kind of arrangement, departing from what God ordained from the beginning of the creation of mankind, the natural, the traditional, the Christian marriage between a man and a woman will be looked down upon and those who do not accept this ungodly, this non-Christian form of marriage will be treated as racists, bigots and worse. The persecution will quickly increase against those who do not accept this non-Christian, ungodly form of union. As our enemies seek to DESTROY MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY, which is the fundamental element of society, it will be much easier to render us their slaves without any viable or sustainable resistance on our part. EVERY CHILD HAS A RIGHT TO A MOTHER AND A FATHER! (

So if this becomes legal we are all immediately on the wrong side of the law as Christians. WE WILL BE PERSECUTED FOR STANDING UP FOR GOD’S ORDER AGAINST WHAT IS CLEARLY A SATANIC DISORDER. We see now that the legalization of this disordered lifestyle is only a part of the challenge. There is the challenge to marriage, to family, to life!

Pope John Paul II, before he was elevated to the Chair of Peter, said these prophetic words which apply to all of us and to our situation today: “We are now standing in the face of THE GREATEST HISTORICAL CONFRONTATION humanity has gone through. I do not think the wide circles of the American society, or wide circles of the Christian community, realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel. This confrontation lies within the plans of divine Providence; it is a trial which the whole Church must take up. It is a trial of not only our nations and the Church, but in a sense, a test of 2,000 years of culture and Christian civilization with all of its consequences for human dignity, individual rights, human rights and the rights of nations.” (Pope John Paul II speaking in September 1976, then Karol Cardinal Wojtyla;

Our Holy Father’s prophetic understanding of the challenge, of the battle, is meant to remind you and me that we all play a part in this “cosmic struggle”. THERE IS NO ONE ON LEAVE FROM THIS BATTLE. For this battle pursues us. But because of divine providence, because of God’s great care and desire to work in and through us, love will triumph. Love as our Holy Father Benedict speaks of love, not just Eros, but true love, is a love rooted in our Lord Jesus Christ. A love that overcomes sin and sickness and all of the challenges sent our way. We must be rooted in that love!


References: “The enemies of marriage work tireless to dismantle… traditional marriage. We, the defenders, can be no less determined…” – Mary Jo Anderson; “Male and Female He Made Them” (Mary Jo Anderson is a Catholic journalist and speaker; "Sins of Omission: Catholics, Marriage, and Politics"; ( Paul Rondeau; ( “Interview with Fr Tom Euteneuer”; ( “Battling for America’s Soul Against Same Sex Marriage”; ( “The Vatican says “no” to same-sex marriages”; (

Note: To put this article into the context of the world situation along with prophetical insights, visit the source of origin: “Catholic Prophecy Today” at

TOPICS: Conspiracy; Education; History; Society
KEYWORDS: culturalmarxism; defrauded; enemiesofthebible; gayagenda; hatersofchrist; hatersofchristians; homofascism; homofascist; homofascistagenda; homofascistic; homofascists; homonaziagenda; homonazis; homonazism; homosexualagenda; homotyranny; manipulation; pconsteroids; perversion; politicalpower; religiousliberty; religiouspersecution; sodomy
The Truth Shall Set You Free (Jn 8:32)!
1 posted on 12/18/2009 5:40:29 AM PST by JosephJames
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To: JosephJames

No matter how they define themselves or set about to achieve their agenda, queers are queers and after they spend their allotted “three score and ten years” on earth fulfilling their perversion, their eternity begins.

2 posted on 12/18/2009 6:31:04 AM PST by Graybeard58 ("Get lost, Mitt. You're the Eddie Haskell of the Republican party." (Finny))
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To: JosephJames

Very well written article on the issue. I will take partial exception with this statement though – “THEIR AGENDA IS MEANT TO USURP OUR FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS ON RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.” This is only one half of their agenda. The other half is to replace the freedom of religious expression in public with the freedom of sexual expression in public. We already see how religious expression is being driven out of the public square and yet more and more expressions of sexuality that were considered perverse are now being defended in the public square. They are making serious attempts to make it so that all children who attend public school are taught about perverse sexuality as being normal. The day will come when they will make the same attack campaign against allowing the people to have representation on the ‘age of consent’.

3 posted on 12/18/2009 7:59:41 AM PST by TheBigIf
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To: Graybeard58

I am afraid that you will probably be right, but we must always pray for them and for everyone as Jesus told us to do. I for one, am a sinner and I thank God that there have been, and there are people who pray for me. As Jesus told us: “But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you... (Mt 5:43-48).

These pseudo Christians tell us only the one side of the truth that Christ forgave sinners such as the prostitute, but they do not ever mention that Christ also said to the prostitute: “GO AND SIN NO MORE” (Jn 8:11)! Jesus, as should all Christians, loves the sinner but hates the sin. The liberals refuse to make this distinction so as to justify their condemnation and growing persecution of true Christians who LOVE the people who have a tendency toward homosexuality but HATE the ACT of homosexuality. These so-called “HATE CRIMES” will soon be the driving force to destroy the family, marriage and deprive us of our religious freedom supposedly guaranteed in the first amendment.

True Christians love those who have the temptation to fornicate but hate the ACT of fornication! Even liberals are forced to declare that they hate the ACT of homicide while they “claim” to love their fellow brothers and sisters. If one does not love “the least of these my brethren” (Mt 25:40) their “claim” to love others is really masked egoism! It is cynical, base hypocrisy! They do not even live the most basic precept of every mainline religion: “love your neighbor as yourself” (Lv 19:18; Mt 19:19; Jn 13:34). Our modern culture enhances individualism and egoism!

God help us, because those not with Jesus Christ, either actively or complicitely by default, are now clearly in the majority!

4 posted on 12/18/2009 8:14:39 AM PST by JosephJames (The Truth Shall Set You Free (Jn 8:32)!)
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To: TheBigIf

I totally agree with you. I even think it will go much farther than what you said. In a few short years they will even succeed in closing those churches where the whole Gospel is preached. Where a pseudo gospel is preached of masked egoism, without the cross of Christ, which is the foundation of true love of God and neighbor, these churches will remain open and convert themselves even more to their diabolical agenda. Then will emerge much more in the open their high church which is the adoration of Satan; these satanic churches are growing very quickly today!

Some would have liked to have lived 2000 years ago with X; but we are now living in, and will live through the rest of, the passion and crucifixion of His body, the Church. Those who are ready, with their lamps burning with ardent love for the Spouse (Mt 25:1-13), will receive the great gift of martyrdom! This is the greatest period in the history of the world and the Church. This is the climax of the battle of battles. This is not the time to wimp out! We will not be ready for this great spiritual, cosmic battle if we do not do all we can to prepare now. The spiritually strong must help the spiritually weak!

THOSE OF GOOD WILL, WILL HAVE TO SUFFER with those who are not sincere and not of good will, just as Christ, the GOOD and TRUE ONE, suffered and died for all of us sinners! “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church…” (Col 1:24).


5 posted on 12/18/2009 8:32:44 AM PST by JosephJames (The Truth Shall Set You Free (Jn 8:32)!)
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To: JosephJames

I will ping this out later - any articles you post on this topic please add the keywords “Homosexual Agenda” as that is what those of us who do the ping list look for. I’ve been AWOL for quite some time but will be pinging again now that my computer seems to have revived itself.

Also, I don’t know if you could possibly make the links into actual links?

Or if the mods won’t let you change them, add a comment with the links turned into actual links? Just an idea.

6 posted on 12/18/2009 9:18:10 AM PST by little jeremiah (Asato Ma Sad Gamaya Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya)
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To: little jeremiah

“Also, I don’t know if you could possibly make the links into actual links?”

I’m not sure how to do that! I pasted it directly from the text. In the text the links were actual links.


7 posted on 12/18/2009 9:35:56 AM PST by JosephJames (The Truth Shall Set You Free (Jn 8:32)!)
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To: JosephJames

Of course my eternity begins after my allotted time also and I will have my own “interview”, I certainly didn’t mean to imply otherwise.

8 posted on 12/18/2009 11:10:06 AM PST by Graybeard58 ("Get lost, Mitt. You're the Eddie Haskell of the Republican party." (Finny))
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To: JosephJames

Sometimes I’ve had trouble on FR making links into “live” links and other times it works. Still not sure why.

9 posted on 12/18/2009 5:40:53 PM PST by little jeremiah (Asato Ma Sad Gamaya Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya)
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