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well, he had plenty of endorsements before he got married, so it would be hard to justify that the endorsements were solely because of his family image. They were primarily because he is the best golfer ever. He had a wholesome image, which certainly contributed to his value as a spokesman, but that was not DUE to her. It was something that existed from the beginning with his mother and dad, too. She deserves a good chunk, and it will most likely be governed by the prenup. As many said here, Tiger is not going to hire hack lawyers for this, especially given that he was not planning on fidelity.

131 posted on 12/15/2009 8:14:08 PM PST by ilgipper
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To: ilgipper
Name some middle aged, NEVER MARRIED sports STAR who has big endorsements.

It's obvious from Tiger's actions that he is not capable of loving anyone other then himself. He wasn't even good to his whores - they call him cheap. I suspect he wasn't a "giving" lover either - probably someone who wanted to be "serviced". I wouldn't buy a product with Tiger's picture on it if someone paid me.

Tiger married his wife to inflate his income. Dems can pull off the bullshit about how "it's just about sex" - but the people know the difference between a man having one affair with a person they love - and a Clinton hitting on interns or a Tiger Woods buying 10 blond women (under the age of 25) to have sex with him.,P> Tiger is a pig.


Again, name some middle aged sports stars who have never been married who have BIG endorsements.

245 posted on 12/16/2009 11:41:56 AM PST by GOPJ (Journalists as BaghdadBobLite - Global Warming Scientists as ElmerGantry - what's happening?)
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