I own a Harley Davidson blue-jean hat similar to what Palin is wearing, and definitely was NOT thinking CASTRO when I bought it. Was thinkin’ “What a cute, stylish hat”. They look really good on and palin is the perfect example of that. She just has really good taste and looks really good, and many people can’t handle that about her. Her whole outfit “Rocks” especially those shoes! Palin is AWESOME, BACK OFF!
1. Per last year’s campaign: She doesn’t wear her wedding ring when she’s going to be meeting lots of people ‘cause she shakes people’s hands with both of hers, and after a thousand hand squeezes, the ring hurts her fingers.
2. Okay, say it is a Castro hat. She was probably foreshadowing her Communist joke for the Gridiron dinner later that night. You know, the one about the airline passenger who looked at the magazine she was reading that had Chinese premier Hu Jintao and Obama on the cover and said “Hu’s the Communist.” Palin told the Gridiron crowd that she thought the passenger was asking a question.
So there’s your conspiracy theory regarding the hat .../sarc