After reading the reviews for, I would prefer to keep my money and forego the headaches of dealing with this company. Average 2.5/10 rating. Can you say RIPOFF!!!
FWIW, over the last couple of months, I've had to get $30 per month in monthly charges taken off my phone bill. Heads up to any Freepers. AT&T put a block for purchases on our cell phones, as no one in the family knew how we ended up getting charged.
This monthly billing to your phone number is turning into a big problem, and even supposedly reputable web sites are partnering with companies that pull the "bill a CC or phone number monthly" garbage for stuff like sending you a daily horoscope or claiming to give a 5¢ discount if you buy a car through some club. Check ALL your bills every month. Also, I haven't used since they pulled that on me.
Never used them before, but the reviews here give them a 4.0 out of 5.
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4.0 / 5
Based on 4 reviews