No matter what Tiger did, his wife didn’t have the right to do what she did to hurt him physcially and should be prosecuted for it even if Tiger doesn’t want to press charges.
Just out of curiosity, are you married?
Really, and you know what his wife did, were you there??
It’s too bad spouses can’t also sue for emotional pain as well. Or that they can’t be prosecuted. Emotional pain (caused by such things as finding out about an affair) is worse than a scratch on the face. In its own way, it’s an assault as well.
There were early reports that the wife and marks on her body, or so I was told.
And if he did cheat on her, I’d say she had cause.
Tiger’s wife needs to be charged with “Domestic Violence” and to pay a price. All women are not innoncent.
Do we really need prosecutors getting involved? I’m referring to the alleged Elin-Tiger confrontation, not the property damage involving the Car & the neighbor’s landscaping...