Oh lay off the melodramatic crap. And stop parroting Daily Kos talking points that have no basis in fact.
“No wonder we have so few veterans among conservative leaders,”
Now why don't you show me any believable figures from any reputable polling organization to support that ridiculous claim?
There are by far more conservatives amongst the military than liberals. Every single election cycle produces more votes for Republicans from the military than for Democrats. Conservatives serve their country more than liberals ever will. Algore epent half his time trying to NOT get the military votes counted in Florida because he was losing amongst the military.
” an awful lot of conservatives are just what the left says they are, they want to pass the buck from themselves and their own sons to anyone else, including the women that are already required to make up the shortfall of males.”
Total Bullsh**.
You better get off whatever you been smoking dude.
LOL, you must be stoned to have made that silly post, you did not refute anything, you just made up up some answers, for instance pretending that “ few veterans among conservative leaders, meant the political persuasion of the serving military instead of civilian “conservative leadership” from politics to talk radio and TV.