If you instituted a policy that excused single parents from deploying, it would result in chaos. A commander wouldn't know who could deploy and who couldn't until they got deployment orders.
It's not fair to the individuals that have followed the rules because they would have to take up the slack for those who won't go. Some soldier would have to pull additional tours because of this soldier.
Single parents are required to certify that they have a family care plan in the event of a deployment. This soldier signed a statement saying that she had someone who would be responsible for her children when she deployed. If they have a family situation that doesn't allow them to perform full duty they shouldn't be in the military.
So what if your back-up plan changes? What if you back-up person becomes incapacitated? Your back-up person recently had to get a job because her husband died or became unemployed. etc
Just saying there are lots of jobs stateside. Why separate mother and child?
Doesn't the Army have a back-up plan?
Why punish these mothers? Why encourage abortion?
Just saying.... not starting a flame war.