To: mlizzy
My son is the 7th grade.
To: Lets Be Frank
It is not for us to have to please Obama, he works for us. He has to please us and he’s doing a lousy job.
10 posted on
10/22/2009 6:01:59 PM PDT by
To: Lets Be Frank
My son is 10 and in liberal Massachusetts public school system, grade son KNOWS BHO is a joke! Hmm Hmm Hmm. He has such a great sense of humor and serious political and religious right...thanks to me, his Mama, the few, the proud standing against the assimilation here in Masachusetts!
14 posted on
10/22/2009 6:06:03 PM PDT by
To: Lets Be Frank
what state are u in
My son had to endure a week of being muslim in the 7th grade last year.
Jesus is banned from the room but those low life’s are taught.
21 posted on
10/22/2009 6:12:37 PM PDT by
(If I had 1 cent for every dollar the government saved, Bill Gates and I would be friends.)
To: Lets Be Frank
I think you should go down to the school and make it very clear to the teacher that her job is to teach and not conduct political indoctrination.
And make no mistake at all, that is exactly what it was.
35 posted on
10/22/2009 6:29:13 PM PDT by
(Nemo me impune lacesset)
To: Lets Be Frank
Giving a dear leader disapproval speech to a 12 yr old in the 7th grade. Unbelievable. (a critical age and grade level...) Did the school force your son to watch obama’s televised speech?
91 posted on
10/23/2009 9:33:14 AM PDT by
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