This story has no cred.
300 mil? There’s no marriage worth that after 7 months. Hell, not even after 50 yrs....
Does anyone believe that Letterman didn’t have a pre-nup?
OK, you marry Letterman for 7 months... it might change your mind.
I guess you’ve never heard of a womans scorn?
Does anyone really care what Dave’s antics cost him? This is a typical celebrity with some pompous egotistical views of himself. He tried the come clean route and is being waxed for it.
Screw them. Unless someone drops a sack of that money at my doorstep, I don’t care.
I'm inclined to agree.But you need to consider two things...1)do a google search on John Cleese.A California divorce court recently just about cleaned him out at the age of 70.And 2)New York is *not* a "no fault" state.So infidelity *can* be held against you in divorce court...and he's publicly *admitted* to it.No private detectives needed. She won't get the entire $300 million but she just might get a very large chunk of it...well over 50%.