“No doubt that girls of that age are going to experiment with their wiles but it stretches credulity that it would be on an adult male who is 38 years old.”
You would be surprised; I’ve seen 13-year-old girls come on to men even older than 38. At that age, I think it’s mostly an ego thing where the girl feels beautiful and/or sexy to know that she can turn a guy on. If this ever happens to you, don’t walk away, RUN. Even if the guy in this story is telling the truth, it’s not a valid excuse for what he did, because an underage girl simply does not have the legal right to consent, ever. This is not only the law, it’s good common sense, because girls this young, even if they’re wild and willing, need laws like this to protect them from themselves.
There was a case a few years back where a man made the same claim about a two year old child - that she had come on to him. I think she died from the rape.