Doing what? She quit the last 2 jobs she had, didn't she?
Oh...R4F...not getting enough attention are we???
Say ‘hi’ to the kiddies over Kos later!!!
She would have finished her term as Governor if Obama/Soros operatives would have left her alone.
She quit her job heading the Oil and Gas commission because she saw how corrupt it was and she didn't want to be a part of it. Palin knew she can be more influential on the outside.
Anyway, you're attacking a woman who put the people ahead of the special-interests and ahead of whatever political ambitions she may have held. Shouldn't that be viewed honorably?
BTW she has held more than 2 jobs - Palin has 17 years of political experience.
WOW, You really don’t get it do you?
The Governor and her family were being attacked on a daily basis with false ethics complaints. She decided to remove herself from that situation. Takes a lot of guts to do something like that. Your hero, Obozo, worked for 154 days as a Senatwhore...