I’ve heard that they ‘acquire’ mannequins, dressmaker’s forms, etc. along with cheap (or stolen) old used pants and spend hour upon hour with a razor knife, perfecting their skills at slicing the pocket stitching so that they can do it almost instantaneously and without the victim feeling a thing.
You’re walking along, brush up against someone and then a couple of city blocks later you notice that half of your pants pocket is flapping in the breeze and your wallet is gone.
And pointing out or objectng to this is being redefined as ‘racism’.
When I visited Italy a few years ago it was obvious the Italians, some of the nicest people in the world, viewed them as vermin. My direct, personal experience occurred on the metro while I was going to the Vatican. One of the vile little things made a move on me, I slapped down at it, jumped back, and yelled a large, loud NO!! All the Italians on the car cheered me, the Ugly American.
I know nothing about European Gypsies, but when I was growing up in a small U.S. town and anyone spotted Gypsies entering town, the word went out instantly. All the businesses and homes locked their doors and Gypsies were not allowed to enter. They had a reputation (and well deserved) as being artful thieves. Simply put, they sustained themselves through theft.