YOU are a wonderful favorite trooper, too. Thx for so many excllent and well thought out posts. You persistently put my shoot-from-the-hip-N-lip stuff to shame.
Well..., I’m not used to this... LOL... I’m more used to being called “names” on some of these threads...
And thanks marbren for your vote of confidence. And yes, Quix should be on that list, too, posting faithfully on behalf of God’s word (so much more than I’ve ever managed to do...).
And really, I would prefer not be on any such list (at least that’s my feeling on the matter). But, I’ve also found that having to answer back on some of these foolish posts, regarding what God’s Word says about Israel (one particular topic that I like to post about) provides the opportunity to let a lot of other people know exactly what God’s Word does say about Israel and it’s future in prophecy, as a nation before God, forevermore...