Transitioning to the imac slowed me down to a crawl, haven't figured out how to do the simplest things yet. It's compounded because I got Fusion so I could run my irreplaceable Windows apps on it. When I realized what lay ahead in the way of getting all that all configured, and what kind of virus checker to install, I just gave it up for now.
My granddaughter got the neatest pc laptop a couple years ago, I'd kind of like one of those if I find out what it is and if I can load enough RAM and ROM onto one.
I didn't think the imac with the huge screen was THAT expensive compared to what I put into my first two computers. And it has a really slick desktop and all sorts of neat things you can do with it if you ever get it all figured out. The 24" monitor is fantastic, but it displays web pages more like a tablet (taller and narrower), not the "landscape" mode I'm used to (width exceeds height).
I do a lot of Photoshop work and have just upgraded to CS4 and Lightroom, but I can't install it on the pc because it's on dvd which I didn't realize when I bought it. I can't install it on the imac because it's for Windows. But Lightroom has both Windows and Mac versions on it. Somehow I got Lightroom to intall but immediately got an error when I tried to run it, am guessing because it needs 1gb RAM. I still only have 512mb. So I'm stuck with that for now.
I have an external dvd drive. It has software. But it says to uninstall Roxio or there will be conflicts. So I start looking into that, what a huge hassle, won't do a clean uninstall (as usual).
Every time I try to do something like that, it's become a huge hassle. Plus for the first time ever NAV picked up and quarantined a virusW32.BugbearB@mm. Another huge hassle to get rid of that. Symantec says to run the scan again in safe mode and try the repair. I get an error that it won't run in safe mode.
You really need to scrub your hd once a year or so if you use a pc, don't know about the mac yet.
if I find out what it is and if I can load enough RAM and ROM onto one.
Load enough ROM??? This tells me a lot...
If you want to donate your iMac to a good cause... ;-)
You can install Windows XP or Vista in bootcamp on your iMac and then use your iMac as a PC until you’re ready to switch over (upgrading your PC software during the next iteration to the Mac version).
The 24" monitor is fantastic, but it displays web pages more like a tablet (taller and narrower), not the "landscape" mode I'm used to (width exceeds height).
I do a lot of Photoshop work and have just upgraded to CS4 and Lightroom, but I can't install it on the pc because it's on dvd which I didn't realize when I bought it. I can't install it on the imac because it's for Windows.
The monitor is landscape. All you have to do is take the lower right hand corner of the web browser and drag it to whatever width you wish.
Why'd you buy a 24" iMac and then get CS4 for Windows?
What are your transition problems? I moved over two years ago, so I’ve probably gone through it. I’m happy now.
Exactly what iMac do you have? They've been shipping standard with 1 GB or more for a long time. But if you need to run something on the Windows side and Fusion isn't helping, don't forget Boot Camp.
You really need to scrub your hd once a year or so if you use a pc, don't know about the mac yet.
I had a six-month scrubbing cycle on my PCs. I'm going two years with no scrubbing on the Mac. I did an in-place upgrade from 10.4 to 10.5 with no problems (I always wiped Windows before an upgrade).