You want, like, a term paper?
Just start reading posts on the subject. Most of the articles recap the issues in their introductory paragraphs.
not a term paper just the major points like the major evidence like two different hospitals reporting obama’s birth and i think i heard that wiki edited the page to reflect that and some people have screen caps....i think somebody should make a website with this evidence so it can catch on
if i’m a dedicated freeper and i don’t have all the major points spelled out in my head it won’t catch on...that lady on cnn was way to quick to buy into what the “annenberg fact check said” they quickly just want to kill this thing without letting people explain their side properly keyes and orly barely got to speak on the lou dobbs show
FR discussions on this topic have a tendency to disappear down bewildering rabbit holes rather quickly. For a high-level introduction to the various claims and counter-claims and the disputes about the facts and the constitutional law, I recommend starting with the Wikipedia:
Term paper.
That was just a funny rejoinder