We have lost several thousand of our troops, a fact that was dangled in front of us daily by the MSM, until it went to a trickle at which point it was buried. Lost in that is that on the conservative side we have killed more than 20,000 jihadis. While true that many of these were Iraqis who viewed themselves as defending their homeland, we have killed or captured at least 9,000 foreign fighters. This is called winning a non conventional war. These foreign fighters did not blow off bombs in Beirut, Tel Aviv or Los Angeles.
When AQ declared jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan, all these guys showed up suitcase in hand to fight the infidel anywhere. Don’t imagine the same thing isn’t happening now. We took the fight to their backyard. It is playing Monday morning quarterback to think that we would not be hit since 911, without the WOT as prosecuted by Bush. It isn’t a lack of will or capacity on the part of AQ.
You think I’m playing Monday morning quarterback? Really? How so?