To: rockrr; usmcobra; All
even you,as our resident DUNCE, BIGOT & VULGAR-talking LOUT, must have noticed that "DUH,snake" has NOT offered ANY proof whatever that i EVER said that he was NOT a US Marine. instead, as is usual for serial liars, he LIED once more about that.
he seems not to know the difference in TRUTH & LIES, but the rest of us do know & are NOT fooled by CLUMSY falsehoods of the sort that little children tell.
LOUT, are YOU smart enough to understand that he's LYING to "his buddies of The DAMNyankee coven", TOO???
free dixie,sw
984 posted on
06/29/2009 3:00:08 PM PDT by
stand watie
(Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, LET MY PEOPLE GO.)
To: stand watie
Except that you
did accuse him of lying about his military status Squat2pee and demanded to see his DD214 and made all sorts of dumbazz quips about how much you knew about such matters and how your imaginary friend was going to shame him good. It was on the thread titled "
What Was the Civil War Really about? and we all saw it. The only reason you're acting smug is because the mods pulled the thread. Well, that and the fact that you're an a-hole.
Again, the only liar I've seen on these threads (and a prolific and unrepentant one at that) is you.
986 posted on
06/29/2009 3:40:11 PM PDT by
(Everything is different now...)
To: stand watie
Stand,I have witnesses that will attest to the fact that you have repeatedly over the course of several years accused me of being a Marine Poser, but my best witness is you yourself who has already admitted to the fact on this very thread that you had someone that would prove for you that I was a Marine Poser and only backed out of the deal because someone who served in units I had been in was willing to vouch for me.
At least your Gunnery Sergeant was willing to admit that if he backed your claims he was going to look very stupid indeed.
Of course that hasn’t stopped you one iota, from continuing to show the world what you are, I only provide the spotlight you provide the prat falls.
987 posted on
06/29/2009 4:40:51 PM PDT by
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