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To: PeaRidge
The data given by Klein is based on the Official Records, and you have been given three sources to support that...including your favorite--"The Official Records". Klein flatly states that there were varying numbers on the original troop counts and what eventually arrived at Ft. Sumter and Ft. Pickens. Here is what he quotes:

I think that you're the one being deceptive and/or absurd and not me. In reply 988 you allegedly quote Klein saying that there were 'approximately 11 ships' and 'approximately 2000 troops'. That shrank to 8 ships and 1400 troops in reply 1108. Not you post a link that says 8 ships and 1400 troops AND crew, not 1400 troops. I'll wait until you can arrive at a consistent story.

If you have trouble with the count, you will see it is 11 ships and 1400 men and troops according to this official record.

Pawnee, Powhatan, Harriet Lane, Baltic, Illinois, Atlantic, Yankee, and Uncle Ben. Sorry but no matter how many time I count that it comes to 8 and not 11. And before you claim was 1400 troops, not men and troops. Like I said, your tale changes by the hour.

But this is off the point, which was your denial that there was ever a "secret" effort on Lincoln's part to deceive the Confederate leaders, which I have shown you is completely false.

You've shown nothing of the sort.

1,161 posted on 07/05/2009 9:54:32 AM PDT by Non-Sequitur
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To: Non-Sequitur
You are purposely disregarding the intent and content of the post from the History channel, and misquoting the figures to make your point, however incorrect, seem believable.

You refer to post 988 as mine. I did not post that.

Several sources flatly state that 10 ships left the New York area under orders to sail south.

An 11th, the Niagara was sent out to deliver a change of orders of one that had sailed.

You cannot use the forum poster's point to suit your purposes because it is a posting reply to another on his discussion list to provide a clarification, the opposite of your posting....which is obfuscation.

Now, you can try to manipulate changes by citing the number that were actually sent, or arrived, or were diverted by storms, or whatever you like.

The fact that Lincoln engaged in secret plans to send a fleet South is not disputed by either the Official Records or his own dispatches.

But of course you can disagree all you like.

1,193 posted on 07/06/2009 1:29:41 PM PDT by PeaRidge
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