It almost happened to me.
I was waiting for my Dad to come home from a two week stint on Air Force Reserves. I was standing in the back bedroom on top of the cedar chest and carelessly wrapped the venetian blind cord around and around my neck.
Suddenly I saw Dad's lights and jumped off the cedar chest to run to tell Mom. There was a little bit of cord left as the blinds snapped up to the top, then the cords tried to unwind and gave me two deep ligature marks around my neck.
I could easily have been hung, as there were 4 strong cords, fortunately I did not tie it.
The deep wounds were slow to heal and I was questioned at school.
It can happen so easily.
My daughter was about 4 years old and playing with the venetian blind cord while I was making the bed.
I turned around and she had fallen, the cord holding her by the neck. Thank God I was right there and grabbed her, but I could easily have been in another room, as this poor mom was.
My heart goes out to the Tyson family. This is devastating beyond words.