Oh...so you would like ANOTHER OBAMA instead of a moderate Republican?? geesh....you NEVER want to be in power again do you?
See how screwed up Republicans are who love Moderates? They write this note to me...
Oh...so you would like ANOTHER OBAMA instead of a moderate Republican?? geesh....you NEVER want to be in power again do you? Courtesy of AnnArchy
NOW read the Tag line!!(Abortion....the Human Sacrifice to the god of Convenience.)
Screaming about abortion and defending RINO Mark Kirk who PLANNED PARENTHOOD supported! YOU CANNOT HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TO.
One may have to actually live in Illinois to appreciate how corript the crooks are who run the Illinois RINO Party (aka the R part of the Combine). Or one would have to have the general insight of fieldmarshaldj who lives in Tennessee but has a sure grasp on what constitutes unacceptable RINOISM.
Also, a "moderate" Republican is nothing but a cross-dressing Demonrat in drag and nothing resembling actual moderation.