But if there's a clock wherever you go, why take a watch with you wherever you go? I do see the perceived need for a wristwatch. It's a comfort thing. People are free to do as they please (for now). I'm only saying that I have been watch-less for ten years and have not missed one. And my father-in-law is a Watchmaker.
Most motorcycles don’t have a clock. the deer lease sure doesn’t. Further, I know my watch is correct and don’t trust others. Finally, how many people lose their phone? Nobody but an idiot loses their watch.
I am sure there are people here who don’t “need” shoes too. Is this a comfort thing too?
Some people walk around without wearing glasses because they would rather bump into walls than admit they need them.
That’s cool... a lot of folks don’t wear one. As for me, I go to plenty of places where there are no visible clocks and even if there were, as some have pointed out, that doesn’t mean they tell you the correct time.
And my watch does other things to and better than these other devices. I can’t take my cell phone swimming. I can time something easily without pulling out another device, etc...